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Vetman · 46-50, M
Real men don’t play video games!!!! Just saying

I wouldn’t play video games if you were with me, what’s he thinking, let’s go to bed. 😍
Viper · M
Sweetie, get the right outfit on, and stand in front of the tv until he finishes your video game ;)

bert199 · 51-55, M
I believe that the word man in video games really should not be in the same sentence. Boys play video games. Men work, run businesses, maintain a household, coach sports etc. travel with her families… There should be no excessive time for games. And if there is, it best to be spent on the wife instead
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Walk in front of him with some lingerie on
ArtieKat · M
Time to get a new bloke perhaps?
Dump video boy and get with s real man who doesn’t play games and gives you the attention you desire and deserve!
1pebbles · 56-60, F
Yep.... Spent more time on the computer than with his wife, me.... But no longer there.
b22065 · 46-50, M
Everyone needs some "me time", but when it gets excessive you should discuss it.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
I am a fair man i can share my attention if you're worth it. 🧙‍♂️
Just walk into the room naked.
@BettyBeez Do it right in the middle of a Call of Duty game lol
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@BettyBeez that would work on my husband
@SW-User @smileylovesgaming yesssss
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
I've never had this problem with mine but on the rare occasion that he is playing a game and I want his attention, I try to involve myself.

Try curling up beside him and watching him. Ask questions and make him explain stuff. Talk some smack about his skills and make him laugh. He might appreciate you showing interest in something he likes.

If that doesn't work, maybe have a talk with him about it.
Pasunny · 26-30, F
@SwampFlower wow great advice totally agree
I don't play video games - wrong generation.

However once in my teens a girlfriend dumped me with the great parting line "If I looked more like a guitar you'd take more notice of me"....
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@SW-User You should have written a song with that line in it!
@SwampFlower Lol - I thought about it but she was still in the band with me!!! 😂

She's still a good keyboard player - a few years ago she ended up joining another thing I was involved with my brother in law.

She's my wife's hairdresser too!
Eternity · 26-30, M
"as he should"

There is no "should".

You are not entitled to a man's attention anymore than a man is entitled to your body.

Earn it. Figure out how then do it.
@Eternity If you're in a relationship then both parties need to put in the effort. I'm not saying he should give up, just scale it back a little.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@SW-User fair enough I guess
Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
I'm not begging no one for their attention if it's not given to me I'm cutting the person off
Pasunny · 26-30, F
@Prettybratbi1tch right on but first fuck his brother n friends
dondon · M
And how do you plan on correcting this behavior?
@dondon Either give him an ultimatum or smash the hell out of his XBOX lol
dondon · M
@SW-User pff just use corporal punishment and it will be fixed in no time 😌
Pasunny · 26-30, F
No I just flirt with his friends ,I actually blow them I kitchen
Competing with an xbox is humiliating & degrading.
video games are fun.. just join him
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Addiction to anything is bad, if his addiction is a hindrance then he must revisit, it is not good for his own health and wellbeing never mind people around him. He needs help.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
Find ways where you can compromise. He plays a full day, and in turn, plan a date day. Making ultimatums... you might not like the answer. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Tukudo · 41-45, M
May be he take you for granted! Just go away for few days then he will understand that he miss you.
Not with video games.
@SW-User What is your man addicted to?
@SW-User Reading
@SW-User What does he read?
That sounds like lack of compatibility.
Walk around naked, that should do it
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Men don’t play video games.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
No, he's not into video games.
SkullsandBeauty · 26-30, F
LOL that user name.
No, the equivalent for my generation would be someone watching sports all the time. My late husband liked football, but he wasn’t addicted to it.

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