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How would you have dealt with this ‘tween situation?

As we’re leaving a friend’s place tonight (after sitting around the fire pit) my tween gets on his scooter as though he’s going to ride home alone. I tell him to put the scooter in the Jeep and get in (it’s dark at this point and I’m not going to let him scoot home alone)
Now he’s pissed (teenaged hormones!) and he’s questioning me. After some discussion, and as he’s seated in the seat next to me, he says cockily, “ You better not try to stop me from riding my dirt bike like this, or else I’ll make your whole weekend miserable!”

Of course I responded with some version of “Ha! Who do you think you are? As if you have that kind of power!”

He said “Oh yeah,? Like you can stop me....I know how to syphon gas”

(Earlier in the night, we had discussed the fact that he needs to earn his tanks full of gas when we are out dirt biking, and that gas isn’t free) that point I reached out and smacked his mouth. As far as I am concerned, he deserved that smack. He was being totally cocky and the smartassery was running rampant!

How would you have dealt with it?
Madhatter · 31-35, M
I would've said "I guess I'll have to sell the dirt bike, then. We could use the extra cash anyway." Spoiled brat. I wouldn't have hit him, because that just teaches him that violence is the way to get what you want, but I would have either locked up or, if necessary, actually sold the bike. Make him earn it back. Needs to learn actions have consequences and he doesn't own any of that. It's a privilege that can be taken away as easily as it's given. You're in control, not him.
XcookiexbakerX · 31-35, F
It's a learning lesson all the way through, in my experience with my three young boys, oldest ten, it's better to let them run their mouths instead of react right away, at least for me personally. I always got to bring myself together before responding, it helps to take a minute. Set those boundaries though 👍️
XcookiexbakerX · 31-35, F
@ImpeccablyImperfect as a mother I understand when push comes to shove, sometimes you gotta lay it down, no judgement from me, it's not easy at all and I understand.
morrgin · F
@ImpeccablyImperfect that's a whole new ball game with him being a stepson. It shouldn't be but it is. Here's a better
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@morrgin Thank you! I will check that one out 😊
He wouldn't be riding his dirt bike for at least a month if I had to dismantle it or rent a storage locker.

If he threatens to ruin my weekend, I'd ruin his month.

Time to rein in this young stallion before he's running wild with the herd.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Mamapolo2016 I have. His father is away at work (as usual) but he has my back. He told me he’s glad I smacked his mouth for being mouthy as he was. It’s been a rough road but I have to stay on top here. Especially since his father is away most of the time. I can’t let him think he’s in control here.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
I also don’t see a smack on the mouth as ‘physical violence’’s not like I’m beating the kid (although some might say he has deserved such a beating!) It’s simply more of a natural consequence.

If I was in the bar, and I kept mouthing off to another girl, being a snotty, mouthy bitch, I could justifiably expect that I’d get a punch in the mouth. Wouldn’t you agree? I see it as the same thing. He has pushed the limits of my patience for three years now, and tonight I smacked him on the mouth for it. I didn’t take him out back and kick the shit out of him haha
@ImpeccablyImperfect I don't know your situation. but while I can completely understand the impulse, you should consider your position in today's climate. A backhand in the heat of argument can be construed as 'abusive stepmother.' If his mother is still in the picture at all, that will often be where the trouble comes from.

Just be careful.
morrgin · F
Less talking. Tell him once and dont explain yourself after that. Let him give his argument so he is heard but still stand your ground on your decision. Arguing with a kid of any age is pointless. They don't use reason or logic. The argument becomes a battle of wills while the original problem is forgotten. Next time just take the bike away.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
You did good Mom. If I had done that as a kid I’d be wearing dentures now. My mom gave me a couple of good slaps for being mouthy. When my daughters did that they discovered the taste of soap. If he was my son he would have been on the ground. Respect is well learned sooner than later.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Haha thanks. I agree, the level of respect has dropped significantly. There’s no way in hell I would have said anything like that to my mom! I am determined to teach my kids the same respect. 😊 @Livingwell
revenant · F
I would have confiscated the bike
HannahSky · F
Doesn't seem like adults need to stoop to the kids level. Obviously he's testing limits and you just need to be clear what they are and the consequences. There's nothing gained, for him, by smacking him. That escalates things.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
I’ve generally learnt the best way is to not engage. Clearly he wanted a reaction, and you gave him one.

Your not alone lol, it took me a lot of practice with my teenagers to learn how to deal with them.
Who talks to their mom like that? Omg 😆 The level of comfort...the back & forth. How? Theres gotta be more to this story.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@DarlingSelah So, I guess the ‘rest of the story’ might be the fact that he is my stepchild...?...and that he has only been living with me for three years. He has pushed the limits many many times, and I believe it’s because he knew I always held back (likely because he isn’t ‘mine’...?) I do feel this ‘smack’ (not a full-on slap across the face, but a smack, like a ‘flick’ on the mouth) was a natural consequence for speaking to me the way he did. 😊
My issue with him slapping across the mouth is... what could he have learned from that? Is it ok to slap a man or woman across the mouth when you disagree?

Sure... after he slaps someone else, you can explain to him that it’s something only done between family members.... but even that doesn’t make sense.

Did you “control” this isolated event? Sure? Did you make the next round of the fight any easier? No.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@SW-User This wasn’t a simple case of ‘disagreeing’ though. (Nor was it an isolated event, as it happens all the time). This was pure and blatant disrespect and pushing of boundaries. I believe the smack (not a full-on slap across the face, but a smack/flick on the mouth) was a natural and justified ramification for mouthing off as he did. The issue with mouthing off and misbehaving has been going on for years already and I have done my best to take control using other measures all along. Clearly to no avail. Am I proud of the fact that I had to resort to this? No. But I have always believed that sometimes, these measures are necessary when it comes to raising kids.
morrgin · F
@ImpeccablyImperfect this is an excellent resource...
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@morrgin Thanks! I have been subscribed to that site for years now 😊👍
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Sorry. But it never would have gotten to that. He smart mouthed you and gave you attitude because he could. And he thought he could because there would not be consequences.. And that would be because there werent last time..
Now I dont approve of hitting kids, particularly not half grown ones. But he has to understand consequences and you cant afford to lose those fights. Or it will be someone other than you he does it to and he will end up injured or worse.
afterlight · 51-55, M
I would tell him you talk to me that way again I will make you miserable. Grounding will increase by a week if you say more words. I keep adding weeks if you roll eyes or try to say things back. I take more freedoms away. I would lock the bike away also he lost the peivledge.
Bruinssoxpats · 56-60, M
I’m surprised that your doubting your motherly instincts . You raised 2 kids of your own who turned out to be amazing adults. Stay the course my friend your doing a great job .
hlpflwthat · M
Sounds like he was looking for a boundary and found it.

Next I'd powwow with his dad about the dirt bike and what an appropriate amount of down time is for threatening you.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Well give him a smack was a short sharp lesson which seems to be out of fashion these days. But it did make the point
Ladyred · 46-50, F
So let's just take a moment.. And a deep breath, and talk about teenagers......(;
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
How much time do you have???? @Ladyred
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
personally when he is asleep, id hide his bike and the scooter, and tell him looks like some one stole it....
I agree with you. A child under your roof needs correction at times. He'll thank you for it one day.
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ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@SW-User nahhh, I’m good. Thanks though! 😊
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ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@SW-User ahhhh, clever!
probably in much worse ways.
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Laugh at him, and tell him you own everthing he has including his underpants and when he starts bringing in his own money he can do more things, he is trying to bring you down to his level dont let him.
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
Personally I’d have decided to keep his dirt bike for myself. If he can’t respect you then he can earn back the privilege for fun things like a dirt bike. Ugh I hate attitude
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit yeah that’s still on the table as an option. I told him today that he is on thin ice with the attitude and at risk of losing the bike altogether

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