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joker987 · 51-55, M
Living in Florida, I can tell you can it be done safely. There are certainly hot spots in Florida, I live in one. But for the most part people are being pretty safe. Now those young people (which are were the real high numbers are) act a little stupid. They like to fill up the beaches and bars. But if you keep to yourself, you won’t have a problem at all. I still go to restaurants and what not from time to time and everyone has on mask and wash hands or sanitize often so people are doing what they can. But understand there is still a risk so do what you feel is right for you.
Are visitors being told to stay for two weeks, ie quarantine? @joker987
joker987 · 51-55, M
@DukeOfEarle No that was really on from the tri-state area when it was really bad. People thought it was a jerk move but you have no idea how many New York's live here and have family and they all started coming down here when things started to close. It actually part of the source of the problem here now. but if you aren't from a hot spot, you are good.

Miram · 31-35, F
Don't deal with people just because you don't want to hurt their feelings. Keep distance and make your own foods. Don't stop by in the road to have conversation about directions, make sure you already know where you're going or use GPS.

Make sure the condo was empty for a week before you were in there. And clean all well. Room service is not safe, airports are high risk, restaurants, public restrooms are all high risk.

It is safer in the sun than in closed spaces but avoid all crowds no matter the number.

Yes, there are restaurants, hotels and airports following protocols to minimize infection but if even medical staff are finding it difficult to keep up, I can only imagine what kind of mistakes others would make.

Make sure to do your own laundry. Basically do everything alone. Minimize contact to essentials.

Keep 2m distance, wash hands, wear masks..Which is the usual advice.
4meAndyou · F
What state will you be traveling from? If you are traveling to an active covid19 epicenter, I am pretty sure you will be asked to self quarantine for two weeks.

That means you have to BRING everything you need for two weeks. You won't be able to go shopping for food, booze, suntan lotion, toilet paper, soap, or paper towels.
Prttylttlthng · 41-45, F
@4meAndyou I'm coming from Kentucky. I will need to quarantine upon return. (Which I plan to do, and totally understand why.)
4meAndyou · F
@Prttylttlthng Check before you leave to make sure the quarantine thing is not also active in the county to which you are traveling.
some members of my family have already started traveling again — they went on holiday 2 weeks ago via plane and it was perfectly fine because the island they went to (in Spain) hasn’t had many cases of corona. I think it really depends on the place you’re traveling to and how much you’re willing to adapt whilst on holiday...obviously you should social distance and keep to the circle you’re traveling with.
Prttylttlthng · 41-45, F
@akindheart Haha...indeed! Not my first choices either!
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Prttylttlthng i found a deal for Ireland...April 2021
Prttylttlthng · 41-45, F
@akindheart That sounds awesome! Hopefully they let us in by that time!
revenant · F
Trust your gut eelings. When I came back from canada to france I was supposed to go into a 14 days quarantine .
Even though I had to go through temperatures' checks.
fuck it
I am not sick so why should I behave as though I am ?
spice1 · M
Play it safe stay at home and limit your travel, better safe than sorry, I was off for 10 days from work thru the 4th of July weekend, I stayed at home and partied with my wife and kids and had a blast, a co-worker of mine decided she was gonna travel and have fun on her 10 days off, she came back and a week later tested positive now she out for 14 days or until she's cleared, traveling can wait your health is more important.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
I'm not a doctor...but your driving (good)'ll be hanging out at the beach (good)....I would just disinfect the heck out of the place your staying....spray, bleach, whatever it takes. Maybe bring your own bedding and pillows? Paper plates & plastic's not exactly "classy" but you can dump it all at the end.
Prttylttlthng · 41-45, F
@luctoretemergo No I totally get it. I also messaged the property management group and they do this electrostatic disinfect in addition to basic cleaning before the guests can check in.
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
@Prttylttlthng I'm sure you'll be ok - sounds like your doing all the right things. Your lucky to get away!...Welcome to the normal I guess...have fun! :)
Don't go. Stay home. Save lives. I beg of you.
It can be done safely if you take appropriate measures, which it sounds like you will do. People staying in their own space as much as possible is fine. It is when people don't minimise contact with others that the risk goes up for all concerned.
NewKidInTown · 51-55, M
I wouldn’t. Not worth the risk or the worry, especially considering the location.
You can be as safe and as diligent as possible, but that doesn’t account for how the people around you behave
akindheart · 61-69, F
you can come down. i live in florida. we are getting visitors all over the place. no worries.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Best not leave your state or country, just avoid all the hassle it's not worth it
angie8819 · 56-60, F
I wouldn't go you might be careful but others won't

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