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Are you ashamed for being being the colour you are ?

JBird · F Best Comment
People tell me I should be but who would listen to those losers. 😆
JBird · F
@SW-User he's a Christian. 😬 My mother's side has been converted to Christianity, I think, in 1800s.
@JBird I see. I hope you find someone to love :)
revenant · F
@SW-User my guess is she would be particularly beautiful with this mix. Quite unusual too @JBird

No. I'm not ashamed for being anything that I am: white, male, gay, European, American, etc. Feeling shame for who you are is counterproductive and idiotic.
Miram · 31-35, F
Not everyone seems to agree about my colour, and when they fixate on it in conversations, I ask if they want to see pinkish, brownish and whitish parts under my clothes to finally agree I am multicolored.
@Miram This. Because the colour of skin doesn't count for nh ethnicity.
@Miram You mean absolutely beautiful. You have a pale darkish light that is quite entrancing. 😍
revenant · F
@Miram yes I can see that you would be put in some ambiguous position🙂
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Not at all.
Markymark · 46-50
As much as the culture today thinks I should have some type of white guilt, I absolutely don’t. All this “white privilege” BS is ignorant. My parents didn’t have much at all and I worked my ass off to get what I have. I went to school with black kids much more wealthy than me and I didn’t get any scholarships because of my skin color. I didn’t get a job because of my skin color affirmative action BS. I worked hard and earned it with no handouts.
revenant · F
@Markymark but some people still want you to self imolate
Markymark · 46-50
@revenant lots of people do, I didn’t make it this far by bending over so someone can kick my ass.
revenant · F
@Markymark yes well said
I’m so ashamed of being a tan skinned Indian woman. Deeply ashamed
revenant · F
@SW-User I do not believe you 🙂
@revenant You MUST believe me.
revenant · F
@SW-User why should you be ashamed ?
Surely nobody should be made to feel this way, isn’t that the point?
revenant · F
@SirenCalledLuce yes, very strange
Synyster · 51-55, M
No and never will.
Hell no
I love it
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I have worked long and hard for every grey hair in my beard. Someone doesn't like it can bite the doorknob on the way out.
revenant · F
@hippyjoe1955 love your colourful expressions 😁
Beautifullyderanged · 36-40, F
Why should I be ashamed to be white?
revenant · F
@Beautifullyderanged sins of the fathers and that kind of thing 😳
Beautifullyderanged · 36-40, F
@revenant well as I had nothing to do with them why should I feel guilty,I dont expect black people to feel guilty for their ancestors who sold their own people as slaves, or germans to feel guilty for their ancestors part in world war two...
revenant · F
@Beautifullyderanged quite right. It is silly and everybody would be on an infinite loop forever feeling victimised
Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
No one should ever be ashamed of the color of their skin or their culture.
in this place, yes, there was a time i feel bad about it
revenant · F
@YukikoAmagi oh no doubt some people will strive to make others feel bad
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
No, of course I'm not, and I have no special thoughts either way on other colours either.
Nika2002 · 22-25, F
Nope. I'm neither proud nor ashamed. It's simply what I was given.
I’m proud of my heritage.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
hardcor364 · 56-60, M
not ashamed of my natural color, but sun bathed the other day, now i look like some one put a red top in with a white shirt
revenant · F
in10RjFox · M
You mean double being by saying being being ? hahahaha...

Nope.. because as humans, our eyes were never made to see our own colour.. That is when I realised that Mirror as the worst invention of mankind before telephones.

But it does hurt when you get rejected or disregarded because of your colour.. where colour is a qualification ..

So all is in which market we compete and sell our stuff .. and why be an antagonist amidst protagonists ?

I am in solace with my own colour ... in a world that does not know how to distinguish colour and collar ..

Love ya for making me express this .. 😘
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
Wow - finally we have reached a place on SW where everyone agrees!
revenant · F
@luctoretemergo lots of people are being quiet🙂
luctoretemergo · 61-69, M
@revenant Well, I'm old (duh!) so I can say this....the idea of "white guilt" or "self-loathing Jews" (you don't hear that one very often anymore!), me that's transference or other people "projecting" their hate/inadequacies on another....people may not like themselves for a myriad of reasons - but skin color?....I would say seek help if you do....
[image deleted]
revenant · F
@luctoretemergo absolutely , there is nothing constructive about it anyway. It can only be destructive to self and others around us. People who advocate :be ashamed of being white, black, jewish etc are not healthy.
cycleman · 61-69, M
more confused with how colour matters at all.

Humanity is better shown
revenant · F
@cycleman I totally agree with you on that one
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revenant · F
@NightCrawler people who advocate self hatred are really not good people
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I am lucky to be who I am. 🤓
revenant · F
@ABCDEF7 and you surely should not
@revenant 🙂
SuperA · 70-79, F
strongbow · 46-50, M
Nope! i love being white!👊

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