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I don't agree with looting or burning down businesses.

I do however agree with starting the police stations on fire because the police were the ones who started this.
jackson55 · M
Cops are like lawyers. Everyone hates them till you need one.
Is it possible chat with you?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Left wing People love criminal protesting
MasterLee · 56-60, M
[image deleted]
@MasterLee You're looking in the mirror?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom a low intellectual like yourself might guess that but then you would be wrong. As always.
lolaloved · 26-30, F
I’ve heard that the target they looted is funding the police station and refused to sell tear gas victims milk or water.

But I’ve seen a lot of outrage over small businesses getting burnt and looted which I dont agree with.

Then again, It’s not my right to agree or disagree with how black people are dealing with this level of injustice, which I’ve never had to experience because of privilege. But I feel their outrage and understand why this is all happening. For a society that treats people with such violence sometimes the only way to be heard is violence.
@Mmagirl Many people are unaware that the police kill Native Americans at a higher percentage than black people.
Mmagirl · F
Mmagirl · F
@LeopoldBloom including the one that killed George Floyd
Zaxel · 26-30, M
Rioting is the completely wrong direction lol, they should have done formal protests, there's no unifying leader in all this, otherwise all this attention would have actually caused pragmatic change, or atleast done it quicker
Mmagirl · F
@LeopoldBloom I had no problem with the kneeling itself if I'm honest with you. But it was explained to me that Kaepernick didn't kneel at first he just sat on the bench and it was also the first game he got benched for Blaine Gabbert to be the quarterback in San Francisco. I find Kaepernick to be disingenuine and I really feel like he was just throwing a fit and just came up with an excuse on the Fly and then rolled with it. I could be wrong I don't know him personally but it just doesn't add up, the day he got benched and it doesn't make much sense to me.
@Zaxel Maybe the cops should stop killing people just because they’re frustrated with them.
Zaxel · 26-30, M
@LeopoldBloom I agree lmao
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Why not have an old fashioned peaceful candlelight vigil? 🕯️
@FloorGenAdm Or maybe just peacefully kneel? Oh, wait, that didn’t work.
JollyLily · F
@FloorGenAdm Because apparently it didn't work. They didn't understand the voice of peace and reason so maybe they will understand the voice of anger
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
Agree that rioting is not the way to go. Unfortunately, there are people with a lot of pent up aggression just waiting for an excuse, and often use it to their own criminal tendencies, like robbing and vandalism.
Like so many cases in the USA, the policing there is so often based on aggression and needless force, and so the cycle continues.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Riot is the language of the unheard!
JollyLily · F
I totally agree with your statement. Looting and destroying businesses is a stupid way to ask for justice. If you are angry with the police department and the government, keep your anger focused on them.
How come the conservatives who cheered the Bundys when they violently occupied a federal building, are complaining now? I guess it’s OK if white people riot.
Mmagirl · F
@LeopoldBloom I support both protest. If anything I think the George Floyd protesters should have showed up with guns and maybe the police wouldn't have initiated the violence with them and riots wouldn't have started. I've been watching live streams of this for the past 3 days. The police proceeded the event by showing up in riot gear creating that atmosphere to start with.
dale74 · M
Police buildings are owned by we the people I think the police should be charged.
Mmagirl · F
@dale74 if the police that are responsible were never allowed to go home that night none of these riots or protests would be necessary but they let him go home at night to his family that's the problem we let a killer walk free
dale74 · M
@Mmagirl he has not walked free the DA will have to draw up charges charges will be pressed on him actually all of them they will then be arrested they will probably be arraigned passports will be confiscated by the justice system they will go to trial once they are found guilty they will then be sentenced.
xRedx · M
I don't see how burning down buildings will make the situation better
Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
The looting just makes the whole situation worse.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Well a wrong does not make a right.
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Mmagirl · F
@SW-User at the beginning there was plenty of people trying to prevent people from breaking into stores and everything else. As you can imagine the second only succeeds at breaking into the stores crowd control becomes a real bitch
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Mmagirl · F
@SW-User yes they've been blocking food deliveries and everything else to his house. It's pretty awesome.

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