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In your opinion, whose the best person to call, if you got long term payments, but you need cash now? 🤔

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SkeetSkeet · 100+, F Best Comment

fett253 · 41-45, M
JG Wentworth, 877 cash now! Of course.
SimpleJess · 22-25, F
@fett253 " plug intended " 😏
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SimpleJess · 22-25, F
@RamessesII that's my war cry 😏
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olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
i wouldent do it the fees are outrageous there what is called in business as a factoring company businessus use them to get paid for bills quicker but there charged a fee and it bill isnt payed in 30 days the factoring takes to money out of companies bank account
It’s actually better to keep your money when you initially get it. Put it in an interest bearing account.The other option screws you.
Ingwe · F
if you are one of my
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
A very good question. To have that privilege support circle, one must sincerely invest in friendsship utterly base respects over long term. You be there for them and you get it back in your thin times.
I always found guys more appela8to friendships who were hard working and ambitious than those who dadvs was rich.
They appreciate relationships more and don't consider it a privilege. Having said that, I have many I can count on but I rather let my ass burn to get it done by myself.
Your rich creepy uncle who made you uncomfortable when you were 13 because of the way he looked at you by the swimming pool. He is loaded
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
You are insidious. You know exactly what brain worm will latch itself into people's brains.

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