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i feel disappointed

In myself of course, with my current situation, you ever just make stupid decisions without thinking them through, and they end up biting you in the ass? I been doin a lot of that lately 😬 making a fool of myself just sees to be the regular 😅 dont wsnt my life anymore who want it
Denel · 26-30, M Best Comment
You really do talk like me. Anyway, yes I do it all the time. It’s because we have so much to give and we deserve better but we could never get better. The people we want to give all our goods to our shitty people. We love shitty people. Humans are shitty. Overall learn from your mistakes best friend. You are really an amazing person don’t let anyone else let you feel otherwise
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
you really be making me cry doe 🥺 I love you, thank you for your kind words of encouragement, it’s noted
Denel · 26-30, M

poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i need you here gabi
Denel · 26-30, M
@humidtiddies yeah I needed to figure out
What I meant
Denel · 26-30, M
@humidtiddies brain does this thing where it had a intense thought within a. Split second. And I forget what it was because i thought of it so fast. So I gotta figure out why I thought or said that thought. It’s usually complex and beyond what anyone could understand, little brains.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@Denel pls put that on a tshirt
BlueVeins · 22-25
Good luck, my home dawg. I really know the feeling.
SpicyEnchiladas · 26-30, F
My guess here is that you’re at that stage where you doing give a fuck enough to think things through and consequently end up listening to your impulses. You’ll always have them, it’s just a matter of learning to control yourself. Practice makes perfect supposedly. Either way, seems like you’re following eriksons steps of psychosocial development.. fidelity. You’ll figure it out, or not, then go to the next one. It’s rather jaded how life is predictable for everyone with just different situations. My best advice is to hang on, and maybe enjoy the good aspects of your idiocy, thank you.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
*Hugs* Kinda same.. Even if I think things through I can end up disappointing myself.
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
true life has just been one shit show recently, it’s draining, and we can only take so much till we hit our breaking point 😅
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@humidtiddies My breaking point was a century ago.. So why am I still here?
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
good question 🥺
Paliglass · 41-45, F
Change the bear picture to Bear in the big blue house and you'll feel better 🤷
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Stop biting your own ass.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@humidtiddies sure unless the corona gets you first
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
we can only hope 😩
Denel · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst Martin, stfu you crusty ass paty

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