ArishMell · 70-79, M
No - always in socks and plimsolls.
We did have something called "Music & Movement" - or of similar name - in Infants' School but I don't recall we wore any special footwear for that. Mind you, that were over a half a century ago and I can't recall everything!
We did have something called "Music & Movement" - or of similar name - in Infants' School but I don't recall we wore any special footwear for that. Mind you, that were over a half a century ago and I can't recall everything!
CM440 · 56-60, C
In PE we did some gymnastics, trampoline and swimming barefoot. All other activities we were forced to wear gym shoes and socks. I did my best to always forget the socks part.
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
Never wore plimsolls for indoor p e. Primary and middle it was choice and secondary it was the school rule for bare foot in the gym.

Totally against the rules.
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
Bare feet were compulsory for girls at my school.
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
@GentleLucille nothing wrong in that 👍
Hayleywg · 51-55, F
@GentleLucille the same as my secondary school.
Adec757 · 51-55, M
This will depend upon who answers...UK or USA.

It wasn't allowed. Open toed shoes weren't even allowed. Safety, ya know? Lol
Adec757 · 51-55, M
@SW-User gymnasts best done bare foot

@Adec757 We weren't gymnasts. We did weightlifting, running, tennis, football, archery, and aerobic exercises.
Hayleywg · 51-55, F
Choice on my part! But had to be bare foot in secondary.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
Rules should say no to that.
Adec757 · 51-55, M
5-0 bare foot
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
I went to a private all boys boarding school at 12 we did gym and swimming nude .
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Rhodesianman The swimming nude I can understand - the YNCA was apparently like that too, in its swimming-lessons it gave - but gym as well?
I think Questions Would Be Asked these days, of the teachers' motives.
I think Questions Would Be Asked these days, of the teachers' motives.
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