The only people that just show up to my door are Jehovah's Witnesses.

Depends. The other night it was a friend on a relapse. Open door obviously. He slept the night in the spare room. I called his wife to let her know where he was but she wasn't bothered sadly.
TexChik · F
I will always open my door . Whether or not they stay long depends on them .
Carissimi · F
A crazy cousin (of my late husband), and her son, turned up at 6:A.M. one morning, for a visit. They were just passing through and wanted to see us. As I was already sleep deprived from insomnia, and had only had about 2-hours sleep, I was livid – you don’t want to test me when I’m this tired. My husband had just made them coffee, and I stormed into the kitchen like a banshee, asking what the hell they thought they were doing paying a visit at this time of day? I told them to go, and they did, but not before hitting us up for gas money, which they’d done once before while they were passing through. I felt sorry for the teenage boy because he’d had a rough life with his crazy mother, but I was so angry with her that I couldn’t see straight.
it's totally okay, people can visit whenever they want, if i'm busy i'll tell them i'm busy but still accept them
Powderflask · 31-35, M
That doesn't happen, I have security measures.
letsdothisdbl07 · 46-50, M
An emergency stuff like that I get it iam talking about the ones who do this to spite you .
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Jokes on them I don’t open my door unless I’m entering or exiting
MethDozer · M
I'm the opposite honestly. My friends and family don't need to make appointments with me. If you're in the area then stop by. That's what being welcomed means.