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Do you get depressed after repeated failures in life?

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NO! It makes me all the more determined to strive to do better.
@LadyGrace that's very encouraging of you to do
At first I do. Then I remember I don't have to do or be anything, to be worthy of love. I have my life. I have my feelings. I don't actually have to do anything anyone expects of me! I don't have to follow the popular ideas of success. I don't have to feel bad about myself. Life is so much more... And as long as I'm still here, I'm still trying.
@lovelywarpedlemon I can understand that but what's one thing that you want to do with your life?
@darkknightt I'd like to travel.
FoleysFollies · 51-55, F
Yes it can last awhile too but just keep telling yourself it will pass. I try to tell myself I pretty mucrh do the best I can and just because I failed at something doesn't mean I'm a bad person..use the failure as a learning experience grow from it and don't look back too much you got to much to look forward too I think your a good person and hope things get better
@FoleysFollies thanks for your perspective as well.
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@nightjourney true but my heart goes out for everyone who has been through a similar path
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JessicaVl · F
I don't think they are not failures anymore. At my age, it is mismatched of some kind. I just keep looking forward.
@JessicaVl well said
@Patience57 come to inbox
@LittleBallOfFire aww everything will be fine
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Collegegirl23 · 31-35, F
All the time
Arrow17 · 46-50, F
Yes I have but depression can represent its own defeat. You have to work with that and look for hidden strengths. Its inside you

Also learn to be stronger in the thousand and one different ways...
I was babied too much growing up and not much was expected of me nor was I taught very much, so, I learned the old fashioned hitting your head on numerous brick walls method.
@SW-User ohh really? I am sorry 😓
I did learn and still am. :)
@SW-User very brave of you
Can you check your inbox?
@JupiterDreams how you deal with it?
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Yes and I love it
@FreestyleArt love what?
Who doesn’t. I have
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Pizzanow · 26-30, F
No 1 will do it

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