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Can all paranormal activity be explained ?

I have come to the conclusion that it can't as it it was the case then there would be a definitive answer, but people still remain they have had a real experience with ghosts. Even professional people claimed to have seen it, like police officers and nurses, so they can't all be crazy.
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4meAndyou · F
Do you remember the original version of the show Ghost Nation? I used to love that show, because they approached the investigations more as scientists trying to DISprove the phenomenon. And they disproved a LOT of it, or found normal or rational explanations.

I have seen similar shows, since then, where it appears that the residents in the homes being investigated may have mental issues, and might even be affected by high power lines nearby. Too much exposure to electromagnetic radiation can actually CAUSE people to hallucinate. And not enough research has been done into sleep paralysis and the hallucinations people can experience when they are just falling asleep or just waking up.

That being said, there are a lot of things out there that are completely unexplained. Photography has picked up one phenomenon, which are "rods" in appearance, and which fly through the air faster than the human eye can see. Freeze frames have verified that they are not insects. The truth is, there is just a LOT that we don't know...yet.
Tightswearer · 31-35, M
i have had an encounter, myself not fun
Tightswearer · 31-35, M
@Andy69 for me it was, demonic possesion
Andy69 · 51-55, M
@Tightswearer OMG!!! I hope you're free of that now, for me and my family it was mild poltergeist activity
Tightswearer · 31-35, M
@Andy69 it happened when i was 14 year old, now i stay away from it
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
There do seem to be unexplained things that happen. Unfortunately they do not hang around in order to be properly examined and questioned by us.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
I kn what I kn is ther. What is definitely out there waiting for u. And if anyone says it isn't Ture. That's bcuz they have yet to experience it. I don't need any reality TV shows or anyone to explain to me what is real and isn't. When I already kn what I have experienced for myself uninfluenced by anyone. So to the foolish who says it isn't real. To them I say neither r u. U don't exist.
Success · 26-30, F
The definitive answer is that people see what they're told to expect. It doesn't mean they're crazy; only that they interpret with bias. There is no paranormal. Also bear in mind that biased people can be professionals. Their 'experiences' are not supportive proof at all.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
It could but... the scrutiny is the culprit against this fallible logic.
Our mindss have to focus on something, when they can't understand what's going around them yes, it can create optical or auditory illusions it doesn't mean one is crazy.
xixgun · M
Absolutely everything can be explained with the simple and encompassing phrase, "shit happens"

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