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maxeen · 70-79, F
cause none of that holds a candle to to a "dead skunk in the middle of the road "
@SW-User Were you laying in wait for this exact question or something? 😂
@SW-User I've been waiting years for this question to be asked!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I have personally seen a church on fire - in my own town, probably some 15 years or so ago. The church is still an empty, roof-less shell. Sadly, the fire broke out only just after its Methodist congregation had spent a lot of money up-grading the crypt as a high-quality church-hall.
I've not seen dead donkeys but a contented farmer? Possibly, yes. At least, the one I know doesn't seem to grumble when you meet him!
I've not seen dead donkeys but a contented farmer? Possibly, yes. At least, the one I know doesn't seem to grumble when you meet him!
xixgun · M
You just don't know where to look.
We hear of churches being set on fire a lot.