I start an online marketing business and buy stock in all the major tech companies while it's still dirt cheep. Also so much Bitcoin. I'm wealthy by the time I'm 16 and I drop out of highschool to do various long distance thru hikes. Back pack as much of the world as I can before I'm too sick around age 22.
I would stand up to my father more and definitely expend much more energy on my grades in school and when I was 14 I would stay with Marci all summer-long.
I die at 14. Remembering and reliving are 2 different things. I don't want to relive the nightmares I have and I wouldn't want a life without my son 💔 I wouldn't change a thing except for the one thing I set out to do and chickened out of at 14. All problems solved.
@PolyamorousPlaymates There is no difference between my own life and the world's problems, as I live in it. Of course I'll do the same as I do now and try to make things better, but in this scenario I'd actually have the resources to succeed.