what more would there be to do.. if you see jesus you obviously passed the test 🙏
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@terribleperson with that attitude its more likely the devil would be at your door than jesus
@SW-User and shoot them both the same

@terribleperson yeye
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
Offer Him a seat at my table and cook him the best meal I know how to cook then chat with Him all night.
@StormyLynn this sounds like loneliness and desperation.... Some guy just walks in and u just cook for him and entertain him all night.... I think we all see what's going on here
StormyLynn · 31-35, F
@terribleperson It's Jesus Christ, right? Creator of the universe. Why wouldn't I cook the best meal and speak with Him all night?
@StormyLynn mhm mhm.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Invite Him in.
@SweetMae but he's already in... He just walked in...
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@terribleperson I should have said welcome Him in. I would do whatever He wanted me to.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Fall on my face, unworthy of His presence.

@Steve42 I'd also being doing this while trying to be a good host.
TAReturns · M
Ask forgiveness
@TAReturns he just broke into ur home and ur ganna say sorry?
JimminyChristmas · 56-60, M
@terribleperson Well, actually, he wouldn't be breaking in if all things belong to God.😊
@JimminyChristmas I'm terrified for my life now
MrMonnyPenny · 22-25, M
Call police
@MrMonnyPenny fuck the Police
MrMonnyPenny · 22-25, M
@terribleperson meh. Fuck the fact that we only have one monopoly option for a police force. But not fuck police themselves.
@MrMonnyPenny no I mean... God their uniforms r so fucking hot.... Ugh I want them
I once saw a T-shirt with a picture of Jesus, and it said, He's coming...your room better be clean! I'd be sure my room was too, 'cause you never know when he might just pop in!
@soar2newhighs but can't he see all anyway? What's the point then
@terribleperson I guess so, but hey with him well you just never know, now do you? Anyone reputed to cure the sick and lame, restore sight to the blind, raise the dead, walk on water and a host of other things, aka miracles...well again I reiterate, you just never know!
@soar2newhighs we should really do a cross offer movie and see him fight the avengers
Repete · 61-69, M
The exact same thing I would do if he didn’t walk in .
@Repete watch reruns?
Repete · 61-69, M
More or less @terribleperson
@Repete yeah fucking nothing's ever on.... The old stuff seems to have a better life anyway .. no point in rewatching all these new shows... Idk what changed
Damn I just got super deap... Must be some good shit
Damn I just got super deap... Must be some good shit
PhoenixPhail · M
I would say, JESUS CHRIST!
@PhoenixPhail I need to apologize to nerdboss... Because this is the lamest...shame
PervertedPrincessOfDeath · 31-35, T
PervertedPrincessOfDeath · 31-35, T
@terribleperson oh the lord is gonna have a sore anus tomorrow 😈
@PervertedPrincessOfDeath wouldn't be the first time he's had a spear plunged into him
PervertedPrincessOfDeath · 31-35, T
@terribleperson mines more of a WMD but i like the metaphor
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
Offer him a drink
@Turtlepower yeah let's get Jesus shit faced
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@terribleperson that's the plan :D
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Ask him if I need to pack my toothbrush.

quarantine him.
@SW-User this has a lot of potential

Around 2000 years of rotting can cause any serious epidemic. I’ll make sure he’s fine first @terribleperson

Welcome Him inside, be the best damn host ever, and ask Him all sorts of questions.....while also profusely mentioning that I'm a big fan☺
@SW-User u don't need to welcome him in if he's already inside
That's like telling someone to sit down when they are already sleeping on ur couch
That's like telling someone to sit down when they are already sleeping on ur couch
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Offer Him a glass of wine, of course. Then ask him what the fuck He and His old man were thinking.
@SW-User good plan

Whip out my dicko
@SW-User why is it every young man's first response to whip out his dick!?

@terribleperson its free real eatate
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Throw his hippy ass out for breaking in.