TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
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SapphicHeart · F
Define radical in this context, thank you.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
No, but there are a few on here !
Spoiledbrat · F
Google it.
Lucywrites · 36-40, F
@Spoiledbrat I have. I'd also like to know what everyone thinks of them.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
The name of radical feminism has been soiled very badly by poor representation.
it's unlikely you'll see even feminist come forward an acknowledge allegiance at this point.
Basically the TERFS have set the women's movement back quiet a bit. They aren't pure intentoned they're fifth columnist and anti feminist pretending to be feminist.
it's unlikely you'll see even feminist come forward an acknowledge allegiance at this point.
Basically the TERFS have set the women's movement back quiet a bit. They aren't pure intentoned they're fifth columnist and anti feminist pretending to be feminist.

The type of feminists that will get upset at you for holding the door open them.
Radical anything is a bad thing IMO. I know plenty of strong, independent women and they don't feel the need to label themselves.
Radical anything is a bad thing IMO. I know plenty of strong, independent women and they don't feel the need to label themselves.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
The research shows there are very few.
Social media posts convince people that anyone who believes in feminism is a feminazi with ridiculous man-hating beliefs. And we all know people believe social media more than research.
Social media posts convince people that anyone who believes in feminism is a feminazi with ridiculous man-hating beliefs. And we all know people believe social media more than research.

I can slap you hut you can't slap me back.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I am a feminist but I am not radical.
Radical feminists will never call themselves radical.
I wouldn't call radicals feminists...I would call them crazy people.
Radical feminists will never call themselves radical.
I wouldn't call radicals feminists...I would call them crazy people.
They are the feminists who are bat shit crazy and give feminism a bad name.
They are the equivalent of the militant feminist of the 1960's and the bra burners.
They are the equivalent of the militant feminist of the 1960's and the bra burners.

@Elandra77 I'm not complete on my history but don't women have a lot to thank the bra burners for?
@SW-User I was a 2nd wave feminist and I wasn't a bra burner and yet I know I did the movement good. I also did not see myself as militant feminist of that day long ago. I never said the militants or bra burners did not do the movement good. While Liberal feminists may be doing 4th wave feminists good the Radical feminists are NOT!

@Elandra77 sorry I must of misread your message because you say that radical feminists give feminism a bad name (I fully agree) but then you say they are the equivalent of the militant feminists and bra burners so I assumed you seen them in a negative light.