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UncleAlbert · 51-55, M
A bit of both but life advice is usually ignored, they go on to learn the hard way.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
That's a loaded-for-bear question. That depends on what the advice was asked for and the mindset of the person who asked the advice. They may already have their mind made up but are taking a poll with other people.
For instance - my brother who is on his second marriage asked me when he was between wives if he should marry the girl who gave him the money to divorce the first one." I feel SORRY for her,"he said.
I had heard stories about her running around, and I said, "I wouldn't. were I you."
He shrugged, did it anyway - and he has a lazy woman with no ambition today.
For instance - my brother who is on his second marriage asked me when he was between wives if he should marry the girl who gave him the money to divorce the first one." I feel SORRY for her,"he said.
I had heard stories about her running around, and I said, "I wouldn't. were I you."
He shrugged, did it anyway - and he has a lazy woman with no ambition today.
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MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@Star1And more power to you. But there are just as many people, who I have never met and never will, who are unsure and lean one way, but after talking to others, change their opinion.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@Star1 It means, simply, that question or statement is a hot one.Everyone has an answer or opinion and they are certain THEY are right and everyone else is wrong.
Star1 · F
@MaryJanine Ty
Melpomene · 26-30, F
I think they realise they might be out of options because they can't see clearly so they ask someone else. Sometimes it helps, sometimes they want a confirmation that their option is the best... and sometimes they just want other people to solve their problems. So I guess it depends on the person asking
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
Most people will accept and act on expert advice but other than that people usually keep asking until they find something that they want to hear.
Star1 · F
@TheConstantGardener I agree
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
people often ask advice when they know the answer but want a different one so depends on if that person agrees with what they were planning to do
CathyUK · 56-60, F
They need to untangle their own thoughts and whether they act on the advice verbatim or just use it to test their own thinking it is still helpful.
imo21169 · 41-45, F
i think they will listen to better advice ,but most of the time its what they think and feel 🤔
Secret6620 · F
Definitely depends on the person. Some genuinely want the advice and others like to talk.
Star1 · F
When somebody asks for advice do they take it or do they do what they were gonna do anyway
nevergiveup · M
every one has to make there own minds up
Peaches · F
Depends on the situation I suppose.🤔
bijouxbroussard · F
Depends on the person, and depends on the advice, I would imagine.