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@RippinKlouds Hate speech is made up bullshit.
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Cynthia · F
@RippinKlouds Your source for this assertion? I would be interested in the Supreme Court judgement that says this.

ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Slippery slope... How to define what's a racist remark? I think most people will define it differently...
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard I agree with what you say... But I also have heard they reclaimed the word amongst themselves to remove it's power...I don't have any answers...Im just pointing out that defining what is racist is not going to be easy
@ozgirl512 That’s why it’s stupid. It was never our word to “reclaim”, but someone else’s term used to demean. And it would take another 400 years to remove the power from it, since it’s still being used by white supremacists with its original intent. It’s just my opinion, but to me and many black people of my generation it’s illogical and self-defeating.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard I'm not from your country or your race... You have far more knowledge and experience than I on this subject
curiosi · 61-69, F
There seems to be some confusion on this subject.. This may help but it would appear ultimately it's still not clear cut.

In Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), the Supreme Court held that speech is unprotected if it constitutes "fighting words". Fighting words, as defined by the Court, is speech that "tend[s] to incite an immediate breach of the peace" by provoking a fight, so long as it is a "personally abusive [word] which, when addressed to the ordinary citizen, is, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction". Additionally, such speech must be "directed to the person of the hearer" and is "thus likely to be seen as a 'direct personal insult'".

“True threats of violence” that are directed at a person or group of persons that have the intent of placing the target at risk of bodily harm or death are generally unprotected. However, there are several exceptions. For example, the Supreme Court has held that "threats may not be punished if a reasonable person would understand them as obvious hyperbole", he writes. Additionally, threats of "social ostracism" and of "politically motivated boycotts" are constitutionally protected.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@Spoiledbrat This was 1942, I wasn't born yet so unfamiliar with the language.
No. I don’t disagree. I don’t think people should be so mean to each other or to others they can’t get on with their live. @curiosi
curiosi · 61-69, F
@Spoiledbrat I know what you meant, its just that I looked up court documents and copied and pasted it. It gets the message across but it still legal eeze and can be interpreted if it ever goes before the court again.
If they are directed at a person then yes. There is no need for racist remarks. There are any number of ways to insult someone without resorting to racism. As there is no excuse for it and no reason to need it then it should pose no problem for anyone if it should be deemed a crime. To suggest that restricting any speech risks restrictions on all speech is a very large exaggeration.

Racism is evil, there is no two ways about it. Nothing good has ever come from it, or ever will.
curiosi · 61-69, F
No, we don't have to like it but it is still free speech.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@curiosi Nope, it is not free speech, only speech that criticizes our government's actions is protected, nothing else.
nope. the first thing you know you'll be the one to say something that somebody doesnt like
suchaslife · F
@approachingmyexpirationdate i understand lol. Had a comment marked "fetish" because I used a word "box" 😂
@suchaslife you "nawty girl" :)
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Seems a reasonable enough request, but I'd rather we sorted people killing people first.
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wildbill83 · 36-40, M
this pc culture is absurd... expecting someone to be angry and politically correct at the same time...

If I'm mad at someone, I'm gonna use whatever words hurt them the most... If some cripple with one leg rear ends me with their car... I'm gonna talk about the leg! "Hey, learn to drive you one legged bastard!, You better have some two legged insurance!" 😅
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
only if its persistent. then its harassment.
Not unless it’s part of an ongoing campaign of harassment. And then the harassment is what should be dealt with.
fairone · F
@bijouxbroussard I 100% agree..unfortunately racist remarks are protected under freedom of speech..But ongoing harrassment is stalking and should not be tolerated!!
Sroonaka616 · 31-35, M
No. I still believe in freedom of speech. Yes that includes the right to offend. I actually hate the fact that someone can call me a F*g at work and I can actually get them charged with a hate crime. Seriously what the heck happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
@Sroonaka616 We discovered that words harm, too.
purplepen · 51-55, F
Only if antisemitic, anti female, anti disability, and all other forms of prejudiced remarks can be prosecuted too, including when they are made by doctors.
Why not anti individual? @purplepen
purplepen · 51-55, F
@Spoiledbrat IDK but it wouldn't really work to make all those things subject to criminal prosecution.
I would run around the block naked screaming racial epithets if this happened. Give me liberty or give me death.
suchaslife · F
@SW-User lol
Yulianna · 22-25, F
not much point in prosecuting the remark, if you don't prosecute the remarker...
bowman81 · M
No, better to hear it and know the speaker for what they are.
No. Never. And I hate racism.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@quitwhendone So then, do you actually believe that it is alright to call minorities some grossly heinous word?
@NativeOregonian No, it is not ok but it is also not criminal. People who do that should be shamed and shunned. But we should never jail people for their thoughts and feelings or for expressing them, as hateful and disgusting as they may be.
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She sounds and portrays a childish demeanor!
33person · 26-30, M
Remarks? Eh. Policy? Actions? Yes.
No. People can say things.
abe182 · 46-50, M
I never knew it was illegal to talk, since when has it been this way, my coma must have been long.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
No. I don't want speech regulated
eMortal · M
Under verbal abuse, yes.
abe182 · 46-50, M
You racist.
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