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How do you feel the United states should deal with it's mental health crisis?

Bc people be sad
xixgun · M
In my very humble opinion, when you ask something like this, many people scream "Treatment, medication, yadda yadda"

They never seem to want to address the causes of mental health crisis. WHY are so many people so unhappy? Because they have to devote too much of their lives to going somewhere they don't want to be to do something they don't want to do so they can hopefully make enough to live somewhere that they want to live, but usually, don't.

Many people like to go out hiking, walking, taking photos, camping; but most of us just don't have the time to do it. And regardless of what your interests are, with most people, "If you have the money, you don't have the time, if you have the time, you don't have the money" is not just a saying.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
@xixgun problem is many go unreported for years until the after the statute of limitation laws expire, many who prey on male children never get reported at all because of the stigma we have to get rid of that stigma first
xixgun · M
@WeighedDown I have a very different view on "statute of limitations" than the legal system does.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
@xixgun yeah, me too also think the death sentence should always be the go to in cases of childhood sexual abuse
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'd argue that any solution would have to address two gigantic causes of mental health problems in the U.S.

1. The news is incredibly scary and disempowering.

We spend way too much time reading headlines about horrifying things that are happening without being able to act. To address this problem, the government must take any number of measures to stop doing evil things and stop other people from doing evil things. The government should stop funding useless and inhumane wars worldwide, attempt to make peace with its enemies -- particularly Iran -- and work to provide more foreign aid to countries that are struggling.

The US also needs to clamp down harder on unethical business practices such as data harvesting, excessive carbon emissions, and literal slavery.

2. Tons of people are under intense economic pressure that prevents them from fulfilling their most basic desires.

This can be remedied by instating a UBI or at least reforming the welfare system to be more comprehensive and come with fewer strings attached.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins May I remind you that YOU were the one bringing the benign topic to the table.
BlueVeins · 22-25
May I remind you that the sky is fucking blue.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@BlueVeins I find you stating the obvious to be annoying.
Maybe that was your point!
Well played.
jomsim · 26-30, M
I genuinely believe that a proportion (not all) of anxiety and depression are caused by the way we live our lives. In particular a lack of exercise, lack of wider community, and jobs which are sucking the life out of us, and where we don't recognise what difference we are making to the world, because we're not.
xixgun · M
@jomsim I think there is a lot to this!
4meAndyou · F
People with severe mental health issues can be suffering from a wide variety of mental diseases, not just depression from current events.

As a former worker in a homeless shelter, I can tell you we had a wide range of diseases in treatment among our residents. Bi-polar disease, which can include deep bi-polar depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, psychosis induced by drugs, and on and on. One of my jobs during that time was to administer medications.

One of the themes running through the various mental diseases is that the medications used to treat them often have miserable side effects. Nausea, dizziness, feelings of distance from reality, absence of sexual feeling, and on and on. THAT is why the mentally ill turn to opioids and other illegal drugs, and almost always turn to alcohol as well. They are self-medicating their own diseases with drugs that don't make them feel bad. The illegal drugs actually make people feel good for a short time, as does alcohol, for a short time. Unfortunately, in the long term, both legal and illegal medications will shorten your life....the illegal ones and alcohol will shorten it more quickly.

Because of the above, people with mental diseases don't want to come in to homeless shelters or institutions for treatment. They know what drugs they will be given, and they know they will feel ill or zombie-like if they are made to take those drugs.

If people with mental health issues stay out of institutions on their own, they ALWAYS discontinue the medications that have such miserable side effects and can't feel good at all unless they become alcoholics or drug addicts.

The only way to deal with all this medicating and self medicating is to take the severely mentally ill and the dangerous in to custody and have them committed through the courts.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Stop poisoning us! Chemicals in our water, food in the air. It messes with the brain.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@curiosi The first city it was used in the water supply was none other than Flint, Michigan. I think that city is targeted for sadistic experiments.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti Yep, testing to see how much we can withstand without catching on. It is sadistic to poison us through the water. Food as well.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti we have it in my hometown. we have the best water ever. voted in the top 2 in the nation
TexChik · F
It’s really a sticky subject . If you act and tell someone they suffer from a mental health disorder , they likely can’t get work or have a normal life . It’s going to require a heavily funded research grant that expects results and is rewarding in that regard . Much more needs to be done so that a routine EEG and blood work can lead to early detection and treatment .
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
Weed & Tater chips
Jadeismyname · 26-30, F
@WeighedDown innovative, I like it
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
@Jadeismyname it is never the wrong answer
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Natural cures before using drugs, sometimes the simplest things can help before a person gets to the critical stage of needing hospitalization. Lifestyle, diet, exercise, hobbies, relationships and time spent in nature. Plus other things. Also if we stop sending our citizens off to endless wars that will help.
Northwest · M
We are not equipped to deal with mental health issues, at the national level. This should be part of a national healthcare plan, not a luxury item.
Make life less impersonal and beyond our reach or comprehension. Make school and work in walking distance for more people. Go to your local church even if it isn't exactly what you agree with. Open all unused land to public enjoyment. Allow anyone to set up shop along the road. Make it easy and normal to inherit your father's job.
Don't have unprepared people faced with an impossible inhuman system which has no use for them be the norm for beginning life.
CodeLyoko · 18-21, M
there is no way of fixing it
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
By electing a new President.
Secret6620 · F
Control levels of CO2❣️❤️❣️
Thoughts and prayers
akindheart · 61-69, F
and don't forget the homeless crisis which goes hand in hand
Nanori · F
at this stage it can only enjoy it

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