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I never have trouble falling asleep but often i wake up after 3 - 5 hours and there's no going back to sleep, then i'm wrecked all day at work. The only things that work for me are either huge amounts of exercise which mostly isn't possible or taking a sleeping tablet which can't be done regularly for obvious reasons. So i'm open to new strategies.
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@Elfintrog I can relate with regards to the meditating issue. And yes, alcohol isn't a good idea as while it helps people sleep, it disrupts the quality of the sleep apparently. I vote to become 30 again 😂
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@SW-User If you win the vote... take me with you!!
@Elfintrog It's a deal! 😊
Spoiledbrat · F
I’m too tired for that most of the time but sometimes I just have to. Like today. I was tired all day.
Elfintrog · 46-50, F
@Spoiledbrat Yes! that's what happens to me, I talk nonsense most of the day, and go into this place where I'm awake but completely zoned out..
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I try to be in bed by 1 or 1:30 so I'm sleeping good by 2 up at 6 my body isn't going to allow for more than 4 hours of good sleep if that. If I'm still awake at 4 no way am I going back to sleep. I would never function
hami1091 · 41-45, F
@hami1091 Yes pretty good but only because my body has likely adjusted to it over the years. Though my doctor assures me it isn't healthy. Occasionally I do crash around midnight and sleep an entire night or take a nap after dinner when my little first goes down for the night but both are rare.
TimeStandingStill · 46-50, F
Same here. I'm up at 3am every morning like clockwork 😣