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I have a serious question :

Why is everything all about popularity nowadays?. like social media is literally high school all over again but it’s the internet 🤡
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SW-User Best Comment
Meh, I don't care about that stuff. I just want money lol.
DeathNote · 26-30, F
Bitch, same @SW-User
@DeathNote thanks for BA 🤭
DeathNote · 26-30, F
u r welcum @SW-User

It's natural for people to seek attention and desire to be liked. Social media amps it up.
Idk it's just how it is, people like to feel important
abe182 · 51-55, M
I could care less if I'm popular. I'm just here to have fun and stir up stuff
DeathNote · 26-30, F
Same . I really just like posting memes @abe182
Because like in high school, lots of people want attention on social media. It gives them a temporary sense of self-worth. Make of that what you will.
Peaceful · F
Hard keeps most in line. The popular ones have the false feeling it matters and the have-nots stay stuck.
xixgun · M
Old people have been asking that question since its creation
DeathNote · 26-30, F
am I old ? @xixgun
xixgun · M
@DeathNote No, but I am.
Iamjessie · M
And the funny thing about it is it’s mostly older people . Not even teenagers 😂
DeathNote · 26-30, F
Dude yes @Iamjessie
Pfuzylogic · M
You expect something different here?
I have my money.
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@SW-User Was it that different? Almost anyone I know is driven by keeping up with the Joneses.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
More like grade school here, lol
DeathNote · 26-30, F
Fucked up version of grade school @Virgo79
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@DeathNote ha yes at times it's that bad🙂
SW is better than FB
Bc some people are insecure and never grow up
DeathNote · 26-30, F
I see that @Shutup
Wiseacre · F
Ik, it's pathetic...popularity was always with us, but not to this extent!
Well - one, you are young enough to see it that way, and that will play in *some*... How you view the world does change in time, but I also agree with you that social media is reaching new heights in stupidity. They know people want to be liked; it's addictive, so thus they design their sites to hook people.
Not all of us. I think that's mostly part of the younger set's priorities, because they're not that far removed from high school.

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