SW-User Best Comment
Meh, I don't care about that stuff. I just want money lol.
DeathNote · 26-30, F
Bitch, same @SW-User

@DeathNote thanks for BA 🤭
DeathNote · 26-30, F
u r welcum @SW-User

It's natural for people to seek attention and desire to be liked. Social media amps it up.

Idk it's just how it is, people like to feel important
abe182 · 51-55, M
I could care less if I'm popular. I'm just here to have fun and stir up stuff

Because like in high school, lots of people want attention on social media. It gives them a temporary sense of self-worth. Make of that what you will.
Peaceful · F
Hard truth...it keeps most in line. The popular ones have the false feeling it matters and the have-nots stay stuck.
xixgun · M
Old people have been asking that question since its creation
Iamjessie · M
And the funny thing about it is it’s mostly older people . Not even teenagers 😂
Pfuzylogic · M
You expect something different here?
I have my money.
I have my money.
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@SW-User Was it that different? Almost anyone I know is driven by keeping up with the Joneses.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
More like grade school here, lol

SW is better than FB
Bc some people are insecure and never grow up
Wiseacre · F
Ik, it's pathetic...popularity was always with us, but not to this extent!

Well - one, you are young enough to see it that way, and that will play in *some*... How you view the world does change in time, but I also agree with you that social media is reaching new heights in stupidity. They know people want to be liked; it's addictive, so thus they design their sites to hook people.
bijouxbroussard · F
Not all of us. I think that's mostly part of the younger set's priorities, because they're not that far removed from high school.