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FizzBangPop · 56-60, F
They make me feel rather uncomfortable if I’m honest.

LittleMissCalamity24 · 26-30, F
I get uncomfortable with compliments depending on who said it/ how it was said. I only like the "appearance-based" compliments if their from my girlfriend or my one other close friend. I feel perfectly fine complimenting others if I see good qualities worth mentioning to them but I'm weird about compliments towards me, mainly if they're about attributes I didn't have control over, such as appearance. It seems shallow, in my mind, to compliment me for something I was born with and didn't work for. However, I do appreciate compliments on my hard work or skills, as long as the tone of their voice didn't make me feel nervous.
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
nah if someone does something good they deserve a compliment but being fair my compliments have a lot of sarcasm included
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
@KatieKatze but doing something can be as trivial as matching an outfit or doing a really good lemonade so its complicated because on a day to day basis we live in a mundane world.
so what do you want to get recognized for?
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
I was mostly trying to say that I wish people would notice things I actually do - rather than things I have no control over. You’re right - it can be very simple. I’d rather someone say “I like your dress” than “I think you’re pretty.” One notes a choice I made; I bought and decided to wear that dress. They are complimenting my sense of style. The other notes something I don’t have control over. I didn’t choose to look the way I do.
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
@KatieKatze yeah but the person looking at you and saying you're pretty, didn't have any choosing on how they look either, I guess in a way they are saying oh you're so lucky you're not ugly as me or something among those lines.
and luck is not a common trait so..there's that
TexChik · F
Depends on who they are from
MildlyInappropriate · 51-55, M
I love complimenting, do not care much for receiving - especially public praise. I know I did a good job on the thing, that's what I MEANT to do, I don't need you to pull me up in front of the company for a public pat on the back!
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I much prefer compliments on my abilities, knowledge, or something I achieved. I like to hear them time to time, but generally speaking I don't accept them well, esp regarding appearance.
Compliments are nice. I rarely get them so its like, "yeah..its about time you noticed, thanks." 😆 I can see how theyd be unwelcome if i got them all the time lol
Yes. I struggle with compliments I always start to think that I've managed to trick the person giving the compliment
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
I'm fine with compliments and accept them with grace and a thank you,and when I think people should be complimented I will do so.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
They do tend to make me uncomfortable. It's worse coming from some than others.
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
I agree with that. I’d rather hear a compliment from a family member or good friend than someone I don’t really know. Or, someone I know who has a motive for such compliments.
bowman81 · M
I don't dislike honest and well meaning ones, but they do make me feel uncomfortable.
eMortal · M
What I give you a compliment, for sure it's based on a fact.
xixgun · M
If you compliment me, I generally wonder what you want.
No, I don’t dislike them. I tend to take them with a grain of salt, but they’re preferable to insults and put downs any day.
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
It’s fine
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
I hate being called cute or handsome because I know I'm not.

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