indyjoe · 56-60, M
This is the dumbest thing I've seen on here today so far. First of all not all bearded men have beards that thick and bushy, secondly any man can grow a beard (in general) and they don't look the same without them so why would they all look alike with them?
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LyricalOne · F
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 So you could cherry pick to prove a point without much validity.
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@LyricalOne I didn't cherry pick, why do you keep insisting on that? I chose random examples of what I was talking about? Why can't you understand that?
LyricalOne · F
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 Lol..... whatever dude.
xixgun · M
Because people, in general, look alike.
2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth. Add a face full of fur and the resemblance gets even stronger.
2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth. Add a face full of fur and the resemblance gets even stronger.
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@xixgun This bearded dude doesn't look anything like the ones above. I didn't want this to turn into a "we're all human beings", kind of thing. You have to admit there's a very big resemblance between really heavy bearded men. 

the last one is Hawwt
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@SW-User That's not the point.

@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 well it's my point