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Why do heavy bearded men tend to have the same facial features? I know beard is correlated to genes but

Have you ever noticed that they look like REALLY similar to each other? Most of the time, they have a very pointy noses and sharp, sometimes thin eyebrows, it's almost as if this causes them to look like they're frowning. Their overall facial structure is veeeeery similar from one guy to the other. Am I the only one who has noticed this? Why does this happen? I don't think it's necessarily a white race thing, as non bearded guys usually don't look like that, with few exceptions. Where do these genetic traits come from? Like, what country or ethnicity is this?
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indyjoe · 56-60, M
This is the dumbest thing I've seen on here today so far. First of all not all bearded men have beards that thick and bushy, secondly any man can grow a beard (in general) and they don't look the same without them so why would they all look alike with them?
LyricalOne · F
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 So you could cherry pick to prove a point without much validity.
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@LyricalOne I didn't cherry pick, why do you keep insisting on that? I chose random examples of what I was talking about? Why can't you understand that?
LyricalOne · F
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 Lol..... whatever dude.
xixgun · M
Because people, in general, look alike.
2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth. Add a face full of fur and the resemblance gets even stronger.
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@xixgun This bearded dude doesn't look anything like the ones above. I didn't want this to turn into a "we're all human beings", kind of thing. You have to admit there's a very big resemblance between really heavy bearded men.
the last one is Hawwt
BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 · 22-25, M
@SW-User That's not the point.
@BrokenWhiskeyGlass3 well it's my point

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