Yep. And in the bathroom, I am also the one putting the toilet paper back when I am done with it.
LyricalOne · F
Nope but that’s one of the reasons I don’t do buffets.

😥 Yes. Sorry.
I'm really not sorry 😏
I'm really not sorry 😏

ew 🤢
i don’t do buffets. i only eat normal amounts of food.
i don’t do buffets. i only eat normal amounts of food.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
I worked in a retirement facility at one time where it was my job to remind them to ot put their food back in the steam table if they did not finish it.
I worked in a retirement facility at one time where it was my job to remind them to ot put their food back in the steam table if they did not finish it.
Dusty101 · F
Never thought of it like that. 🤢🤮

That's my mother in law!

I don't eat at buffets they frighten me
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
PhoenixPhail · M
OMG. If I ever saw someone doing that, I would tell the kitchen so they would remove that tray from the buffet.
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Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Londonguy23 · 51-55, M
MarkA · 56-60, M
No, that would be my evil, identical twin brother...🙄
smiler2012 · 61-69
crazylady uggh no gross
latinbutterfly · F
Hell no that's gross 😂.