Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Nina Simone, James Taylor, Freddy Mercury, Etta James, Chet Baker
James Brown
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
James Brown, Billie Holiday , Alice Cooper, Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix
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@CruiserCruiserCruiser You certainly shocked me with those not very good choices
@SW-User Imagine your reaction if I put my really good choices down. Might have to SHOCK you to re-start your heart.

@CruiserCruiserCruiser Ok go for it
Lostpoet · M
Iggy Pop, Bob Dylan, James Hetfield, Kurt Cobain, Jonathan Davis.
TexChik · F
Beatles , Elvis, AC/DC, Eagles , Zeppelin
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
The Beatles and Aretha Franklin
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Beatles, Bob Dylan, Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard.........I think
Stillwaiting · M
Johnny Cash .. Rolling Stones .. B.B. King .. The Temptations .. The Eagles

Rolling Stones
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Ghost as in Ghost BC
Raja Kumari
Danzig (the original Misfits singer)
Type O'Negative
Lol I'm going to cheat and put Eartha Kitt as well.
Raja Kumari
Danzig (the original Misfits singer)
Type O'Negative
Lol I'm going to cheat and put Eartha Kitt as well.
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Tough one. Robert Johnson, Buddy Holly, and The Beatles. Maybe Dylan.

@uncalled4 No bowie ?

David Bowie Pink Floyd The Pixies Talking Heads Oasis