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So you are popping to the local supermarket and when you arrive you realise you are barefoot! What do you do?

Poll - Total Votes: 63
Go in and shop barefoot. Who cares!
Go home and get shoes
Go in and buy shoes and then shop
Go in barefoot and like it so much you begin to always go barefoot
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Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F Best Comment
"Well...that just looks out of place"

*Takes the rest off*

"There, now it doesn't look so strange"
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@Fangirlsarah1996 Of course i would join you 😘
@Fangirlsarah1996 Lol😆👍
jackson55 · M
@Fangirlsarah1996 Bare shopping? There are places.

tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
I have lost track of the number of times I have gone shopping with my feet bare.Must be thousands.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@KatieJ That's a good target to aim for.
KatieJ · 22-25, F
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@KatieJ YW.My feet get lots of compliments especially out socially and at work.
FaeLuna · 31-35, F
I probably wouldn't realize it, honestly. Unless someone mentioned it to me, I'd probably just keep going.
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
I would have to buy some cheap slip ons because shops where I live insist on shoes and a top no hoodies allowed
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu Yes they see them as crooks even an old guy like me was pulled up by security and I was on a disabled scooter
@Rhodesianman Geez - honestly, security is supposed to be trained in the psychology and most popular signs/symptoms of a thief,( Not that it always applies), but to resort to this level is ridiculous!
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu I agree but yes it really happened it even shocked me .
Tough one, doesn't bother me either way, but on a hot summer day, it's especially nice to go in bare Foot, coz the floor is nice amd cold.
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UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
@Greenbare It's legal to be barefoot in any store, but not all stores want to accept it; there are barefooting rights cards and letters for every US state.
I live in florida. There is no way this could happen without burning your feet.
@Callmewhatyouwill That's when you jump, skip and hop across the bitumen, and try and stick to the concrete - it's cooler.
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
@Callmewhatyouwill I am in Florida and mine never got burned or injured before from barefooting.
Just been looking at the posts.

Whats this big thing about being barefoot?

People make it sound like it's something amazing, and challenging to do!

I dont understand.

I mean, it's as hard as - dont put shoes on....pretty basic really.

I grew up hardly wearing shoes, still only do it for work, and dressing up.
Maybe wear them a bit more in winter, coz i'm getting older,and my feet dont stay as warm.

But it seems peoples concepts about bare feet have become heightened for some reason, or am i misconsconstruing things?
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@BoobooSnafu I agree with you.I have walked through some broken glass by accident too when I was barefooted.My friend told me as I had not even noticed and no injuries.I just brushed off the soles of my feet and kept on walking.
@FaeLuna well, we're talking about society, logic has nothing to do with it.

More like preconceptions, derived from ignorant comments passed on egotisicly as fact, to support an opinion that is argue with irrelevent factors to cover an elitist attitude needed to boost self confidence.

In short.. Some just need to degrade and isolate others to feel better about themselves.

Ignorance of the masses - yay 🙄
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adhane05 · 31-35, M
Going back home would be absurd! 😂
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
@adhane05 Agreed; not wasting gas that's for sure.
KatieJ · 22-25, F
So far 60% of voters would shop barefoot. So how come I'm often the only barefoot person in the supermarket. Hehe
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
Well, it is legal to be barefoot in stores so I do not mind.
KatieJ · 22-25, F
@UnshodAdvocate Same here. I go barefoot in stores all the time.
UnshodAdvocate · 26-30, M
@KatieJ Exactly; it is so much easier for you and your feet that way. i do plan on getting new barefooting sandals to wear, though.
I'm not that oblivious 😅
lizzy96 · 26-30, F
@SW-User yah same, although I did go to school once with two diffrent shoes once, one of them being small
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Find A Magic Wand And Be A Barefoot Wizard (^.^) I Think Magic Users Cast More Powerful Spells In Bare Feet ^_^
lizzy96 · 26-30, F
@SW-User or you can go back to your car and say accio wand
jackson55 · M
It's getting across a hot parking lot barefoot is a issue.
i'd think i'd have noticed beforehand somehow 😆 but tbh if i'm already there i might as well just fricken get on with it and not step in the inevitable leaked milk bottle
muffinman · 61-69, M
i'd end up wondering how did i drive without shoes?
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DDonde · 31-35, M
I don't know how on earth this could have happened, but I'd probably go back and get shoes.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@KatieJ I don't know, I never drive barefoot, so...
KatieJ · 22-25, F
I dunno I prefer driving barefooted. @DDonde
DDonde · 31-35, M
@KatieJ Ok.

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