8-5 managment desk job, now turns into 12 hour days, manual labor job?
So, what would you think if you got into a job role.. After having interviewed and been told it was a high up management position (which is in line with your current experience) only to realize AFTER starting the job, that it involves working 12 hour days, being at work by 6:30am not leaving till 6pm.. and to top it off you are moving and lifting tables and heavy furniture, chairs almost every single day, laying power chords? Would you be shocked? Im in this situation.. I now by the grace of god have an opportunity for alot more money that just showed up. Today is my last day at this job. But im starting to look back and think to myself WHAT THE HELL.. How on earth did I interview for this one position only to find out it is aboslutely NOTHING like it was presented to be. Was told it was a high up management, desk job position 8am-5pm.. Now finding out its a 6:30am-6pm and involves heavy manual labor. Have any of you guys ever had this happen to you? Wouldn't you be a little ticked? Would love to hear stories.