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Do you hate happy people and children?

Serenitree · F
No. They are my favourites.

I can be all kinds of sensitive and sympathetic to all kinds of people, but children are so open and honest and they make me smile. And so do happy people. Joy is contagious.

Unfortunately so is misery. And miserable people seem pretty determined to bring others down.
1455spd · 31-35, M
I don’t hate anyone, but those two rank pretty high in terms of annoyances
Serenitree · F
@1455spd If you never had the opportunity to have that kind of joy in your life., that's really sad.
1455spd · 31-35, M
@Serenitree Welcome to my world
Serenitree · F
@1455spd No, thanks. I'll stay on my side of the gate. It seems much sunnier here.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Working in somebody elses garden today which backs onto an area where kids play (it's just a hard surface not a park) and it's one of the really nice things to hear some kids playing or singing usually only lasts for 10 or 15 minutes but it just brings an air of peace to the world.
Serenitree · F
@GeniUs Yes. I have the good fortune to live across the street from an elementary school. Morning recess and lunch break are so noisy and happy sounding. I love it.
dedede9000 · 31-35, M
I don't hate anything or anyone. Hating (to me) sounds like something that you actively do, and as such, it wastes your energy. It's a lot more easier to passively dislike things.
Serenitree · F
@dedede9000 Yeah, but I think the word hate is as meaningful as the word love. I love that dress, I love ice cream, I loved that book, I hate seafood. Etc. I believe it's more what SpaceCadet said. People are so easily annoyed by other people's behaviour, good or bad. They don't take the time to appreciate the fact that there are others with rights too. If I need to have no distractions, I stay where there are no people around to distract me. Being annoyed by people in a public place is like going camping and being annoyed at being wakened by the call of an owl hunting his prey, or the birds waking at sunrise. Or looking out and seeing a bear tearing apart your cooler that you left where he could get it.

Home is where we make the rules.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
I love kids... love happy people too, they are the same on the embalming table
RaemaSnr · 22-25, F
Hate is like attacking yourself with unnecessary drama imo
I hate it when people are too happy. But i dont mind children as long as they are actin a fool😡
Serenitree · F
@TURTLEGOD The only too happy is fake happy. Either pretending, or using drugs.
Or those who try to force positivity on you. Sometimes you just gotta be sad and get past emotions yourself.
Serenitree · F
@TURTLEGOD That's intrusive, and it isn't real happiness. It's a form of abuse. Supportive of others feelings is real. Trying to change them is self important and in my own opinion, very needy behaviour.
okaybut · 56-60, M
God no....I love being around happy people and children in reasonable doses (where they have something to do).
Serenitree · F
@okaybut 😂😏 Children always have something to do. It's their job. Even if it only entails standing in one spot and seeing who can scream the loudest, or punch the hardest, or spit the farthest. The question becomes, do you like what they are doing?
okaybut · 56-60, M
@Serenitree lol...yes sometimes a bit too much...
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I've never had any kids but I assume anyone who is happy is faking it.
Serenitree · F
@hunkalove That's such a sad sad way to think. When I'm unhappy, it's real, but when I'm happy, it's also real. If you've never experienced true joy, you've missed out on so much of the best life has to offer.

My wish for you, is that at least once before you die, the sun on your face, or a smile from a stranger will touch you with a moment of purest joy. Nobody should die without ever having that rush.
okaybut · 56-60, M
@hunkalove @Serenitree Yes...incredibly sad if you are serious. 😭
I prefer not to be around said creatures, yes.
I love happy children
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Unlearn · 41-45, M

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