nem16 · 36-40, M
That happened to me once,I walked on a bit,but it was my friends boss so she had to talk for a little bit. :/
LyricalOne · F
Start sticking merchandise in my purse, drooling and asking about the whereabouts of the Lindbergh baby.
ZeroFox · 36-40, M
I just nod then keep walking.
Don't give them the opportunity.
Don't give them the opportunity.
XReaganX · 26-30, F
I tried to lose 'em in Target once but he waited outside for me. Fuckk
Allelse · 36-40, M
OH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! story of my bloody life! I wish they'd all just feck off. Like that big retarded bugger. He's the worst. Thinks EVERYONE is his friend when really we all dive for cover when we see him coming.