Manchurian Candidate? Or The Client
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Coyotedave611 · M
Noted and thank you ever so much! 😀
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Longpatrol Please get the ORIGINAL Manchurian Candidate. It is much better than the remake.
Coyotedave611 · M
@greenmountaingal Thanks for the helpful suggestion!
It´s not an edge of your chair thriller , but "After Hours" is a very entertaining movie.
Coyotedave611 · M
@Underconstruction I need to check this one out. Thanks!
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
North by Northwest
It's an old Hitchcock cold war suspense movie.
It's an old Hitchcock cold war suspense movie.
Coyotedave611 · M
@greenmountaingal As a kid, I was a huge Hitchcock fan. Not only for his movies but read his magazine every month.