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Why have you ghosted someone?

For what reasons have you ghosted people? Something they said, did, or did you just lose interest or get busy?
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Myzery · 41-45, F
I am typically the ghostee.
I assume that I am boring and have given up trying.
Myzery · 41-45, F
@ArtisticStatic That is why I avoid it. At least the soul crushing void of loneliness is constant, predictable and pretty much stable. Getting my hopes up slightly and then being shoved back down frustrates me more. Different strokes for different folks though.
Myzery · 41-45, F
@SW-User Not just here. In the real world as well. 😂
@Myzery oops 🤗
I usually get busy and then feel too awkward to reply to messages twenty days later. I figure they've forgotten about me anyway.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@Nadie I have always been the one being ghosted, not doing the ghosted. I can say, at least for me, I would appreciate the continued contact, rather than feeling like I caused some insult or whatever. Again, this is just me - But I don't forget about people I am talking to, so I just feel left out in the cold.
Yes. No motivation to continue engaging them there wasn't a point
Lost interest, but more specifically realized that they were interested in me for all the wrong reasons.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@SW-User I see. I understand your reason for ghosting also.
@SW-User oh they were selfish and self centered eh?
@SStarfish Yeah. I just sort of felt like I was being used and I didn’t want it to go any further.
Unless we had a close relationship I'll ghost for any reason I want. Why? Because the same has happened to me, and I got tired of feeling like I needed to have some moral decency
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@BeefySenpie I mean, I can see that, I guess. I have been ghosted more times than people have talked to me, for sure, and even still I would not ghost someone intentionally. That's just me though. Me being treated that way makes me not want to treat other that way, not the other way around.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
They got too close to me and I couldn't continue.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
@ArtisticStatic it's not that... it's hard to explain.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@dumpstermeow No need to explain to me. I am just trying to understand the mentality behind ghosting, is all. It's not my intention to offend, and I apologize if I did.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
@ArtisticStatic I think it's fear that motivates me honestly. It's not something the other person did. I don't know if that helps.
666Maggotz · F
I tend to lose interest in people and things very easily lol
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@666Maggotz I don't think it makes you heartless. However, I do think you should'nt guess at how another person views a situation. A passing conversation is one thing, but if we have been talking for a few days or whatever, then you suddenly vanish - I am going to wonder why. What did I say? Did I offend you? What happened? I thought we were getting along well, I thought we could be friends.

See what I mean? You can't know what the other party thinks or feels if you don't ask and are not open with them. In that scenario, you have walked away from a potential friend because you assumed the reality of the situation.
666Maggotz · F
@ArtisticStatic well, I obviously left because I didn’t want anything to do with them. So I doubt losing a potential friend even matters at that point. Idk I had people ghost me and it never bothered me. I don’t see the point in caring about someone who obviously wasn’t meant to be in my life.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@666Maggotz That's a different situation than what we were discussing. If you left because you didn't want to do anything do with them - Why not say "Hey, this isn't working. So I am going to go my own way." It's not much but is a decent and respectful thing to do. Assuming the didn't do something to not deserve that respect.

What I am about to say does not reflect on you, nor is it about you personally - This is my own personal opinion. I think ghosting without a reason, such as this person has been a creeper or was incredibly rude to a person - I think without a "valid" reason - Ghosting is cowardly. Every person should start at a point of very basic respect.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
Ppl I've ghost were ppl I knew for maybe a few days or a day
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@whateverhappens That's fair, but there had to be a reason to ghost, yes?
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
@ArtisticStatic yeah wasn't looking for anything and they seem to be
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@whateverhappens This is why I think it is important to set boundaries and expectations early on when dealing with people.
They hurt and or betrayed me
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@SW-User I think that is a valid reason, honestly.
Magenta · F
Never, have I ghosted someone. Especially if in love or a relationship. It is cruel and it is said to be a tactic of sociopaths/narcissists.
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
Yes,my guy frd who started to act weird by secretly taking my pic while I am eating,touching my hair n feeling my hands briefly ..happening without warning lol...he started to act really creepy.I started to stop responding to his messages n eventually our friendship just ended like that.
nate2244 · 41-45, M
I have before when the other person made me feel uncomfortable,or like I was smothering.
Miram · 31-35, F
He broke up with me.I am not sure why I was expected to say anything about it. Men are strange sometimes. They don't know how to go about their wants
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@Miram People are strange. I understand men as much as I do women. That is to say, I don't understand anyone at all. Ever.
Nah... I really don’t.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Lose interest or they repulsed me.
Because i didn't want to deal with them . They were annoying or nuts or just no good at all or something idk

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