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Do you think some people put themselves down constantly on here because they’re just looking for attention and sympathy from people?

Magenta · F Best Comment
Some, yes. When it's continual/constant and positive advice is mostly ignored. The sympathetic attention becomes like their medication and they wallow in it. But it doesn't fix the underlying core issue, and it becomes a cycle.
@Magenta Yes. I agree completely. Like Aido said, validation becomes temporary when the person has too much to hate about themselves
Magenta · F
@SW-User :-) It won't improve or fix it in the long run.
I'm well aware of my many shortcomings, it's just very hard to relate to splatting it out there. I mostly hold my own counsel. But I do try to have empathy and compassion.

i think sw has become a safe haven for a lot of people who struggle with self image and mental issues. sometimes it’s a crutch, perhaps. but i don’t think it’s for attention more than any other post on this site
@SW-User Looking for attention is not bad. What I’m discussing in the post is people who are not genuine to the struggles that they use to get attention. They keep putting themselves down simply because they know people will give them praises to make them feel good. Since the feeling is so pleasurable, they keep doing it over and over again even though the struggles that they mention are made up.
@SW-User if a person feels the need to make up struggles for attention, then that just a different cry for attention, isn't it?
@SW-User Again, looking for attention is not bad. But being fake to look for attention is what most people would frown upon.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I think there are probably some who do that, but I also think that there are a number of people who are going through tough times and really need the support and reassurance they can get from others here. I prefer to give the benefit of the doesn’t hurt me, and I’d rather be wrong thinking someone needs my support than be wrong accusing someone of being an attention hound.
(In a sense, isn’t everyone who posts here seeking attention of some sort, though?)
@DragonFruit Yes, we all seek attention but some just do it too much. I agree with everything you said by the way
Maybe validation, but not because they're consciously seeking it for attention and ego boost but because they need it just to feel okay.
@SW-User Maybe that’s why they don’t try to improve themselves and instead keep looking for validation
@SW-User I'd not be so harsh with them. It's really not as black and white. If matters of the mind were so simple, there'd be no one suffering.
@SW-User Well said
Maybe, it’s easy to find comfort in misery. But I feel it’s wrong to assume someone is fishing for sympathy without knowing the situation they’re in. I’m saying this because I’ve been accused of doing that and those comments embarrass me to this day lol
@SW-User Lol Well said. If I were to be accused of doing that, I would be frustrated too. The only difference between attention seekers and people who are lost for real is attention seekers don’t actually look for help to get their shit together lol. They’re here to indulge in the sympathy they receive from people
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I have been accused of that several times now and as im sure some may do that, I don't put myself down to get attention here. I do it because I believe it.. in saying that it isn't like I don't try getting attention here, because I do.. but not in that way
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I talk about some stuff in my life but not everything. I keep a lot to myself as well. thank you. I guess a better way to describe it is compliments can make me uncomfortable because I feel like im being made fun of and I say what I truly think about myself to them because I don't want to be the butt of anyone's joke
@PlumBerries You’re welcome. And if the compliment is wrong to you, it’s alright to let them know where they get you incorrectly 😊
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I sure do that lol
It could be because they are feeling really down or have depression issues.

Or it could be because they don't know how to change. And like to have some attention.

I'd say each case is different
@SW-User How can we know which is which when we see it?
@SW-User I think we cannot know... Not quite certainly only knowing them more closely and their life , anyway kindness or at least not being rude with they is the best option, regardless...
@SW-User I agree
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Yea I think a lot of people use it as an excuse to not work on themselves too
@Flenflyys True. They complain about themselves but they don’t seem to want to improve themselves
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Actually just made a post about this yesterday lol...always someone else’s fault
@Flenflyys Lol Beat me to it
Perhaps they’re just looking for a little validation and acceptance. Depression and anxiety tend to be very isolating and harmful to one’s self esteem. Seeking out others who understand and/or help you see that those ugly things your brain is telling you aren’t really true is a very real coping mechanism. And a primarily anonymous forum like this is a mostly safe place to seek that support.
@ProdigalSummer yes it is. A little validation is a good thing.
@VeronicaJane it can make all the difference for someone who is struggling
@ProdigalSummer it helps to know you are not alone.
Some, I suppose,makes me have more compassion not less...going to extremes for attention indicates something lacking in thier self esteem.
Like no matter how many times they are told the opposite they have to be constantly reassured.
Not a fun way to live, I imagine.
@SW-User Right. We never know what may be going on in their lives
xRedx · M
Yes, to some degree. They also use that as an excuse to not improve.
@xRedx True
summersong · F
Sometimes those thoughts are on loop inside your brain, and saying them out loud (or writing them) gives a temporary reprieve. And yes, hearing from other people that they aren’t true helps to defuse them a little bit too, at least for a little while.
@summersong Off the topic a bit but I can feel the kindness and a positive point of view in your words 🤗
summersong · F
@SW-User thanks 🤗
@summersong You’re welcome 😊
Everyone has his or her reasons for being here and yes that seems to be a popular one.
@SW-User It is
JustNik · 51-55, F
A lot of people here are starving. Their life is or has been populated with those who would rather knock them down than lift them up and it’s hard to believe you’re worth anything else when those are the only voices you hear. Whether they’re just venting the struggle or making an abject play for sympathy, hearing a different voice makes the void less empty.
@JustNik Well put
minarth008 · 61-69, M
Yes. I see how some people treat other's on here, and then when that happens to them, they get all upset about it. I believe it is karma, you get what you give, and they just don't seem to understand that.
@minarth008 How is that relevant to the question? 🤔
maybe. i think im a piece of shit but i don't go around shouting it from the mountain tops.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
i think im a piece of shit but i don't go around shouting it from the mountain tops.

I`ll do that for you buddy. 😁
@Degbeme u old bastard 😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User :*
I do think some people do this, you're right. But others definitely have an issue that can't be overcome with positive thinking alone.
@SW-User How do you know if they’re being genuine and not searching for attention?
@SW-User Time and exposure. On first blush, I don't.
@SW-User Exactly
As long as it’s not Munchausen syndrome by proxy I just think they’re lonely and need answers to questions they need solidifying to
@SW-User How common is the syndrome?
Sure. Every single person who posts here is seeking attention...some people want sympathetic attention, some want to be adored, some want validation for their skills/talents/opinions, some want reactions and some want conflicts...from anyone or from certain someone...and they all have their own way of getting it and some are better at it than others😂
@Haniazed That’s fair. I shouldn’t be too judgmental about those that lie to get attention then lol
CrystalCastles · 31-35, F
No because they are lost and confused
@CrystalCastles And they have to do that in public despite already receiving so much help from people?
ButterFly2023 · 18-21, M
I try not to get too judgemental.
@ButterFly2023 Good 😄
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I put myself down before other people do. I love beating people to the punch. :p
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Magenta After ☕🍌 ;)
Magenta · F
@Degbeme Mmmmhm..😘
Degbeme · 70-79, M
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Shocked 😱😱
monte3 · 70-79, M
I know there are times in life when some support is needed. Sure there is often a very obvious attempt to get attention here but I am fine with that.
@monte3 Simple man 😄
Elegy · 46-50
Sometimes, I mostly assume that when it's constant and seemingly without end.
@Elegy Especially when it’s done in public
Elegy · 46-50
@SW-User Agreed
In my personal experience it is the people that we often depend on put us in those places. Coming on here we seek validation, advice, any way to feel less shitty about ourselves. This place is a shelter for when we fall, or worse when the real world around ourselves forces us when there nobody there to come here. Getting attention on here is properly saving them from pointing a gun to the side of their head and blowing their own brains out.
@SW-User That’s a good way to look at it
Bluewind · M
I'm sure they sometimes do. Sometimes we can help and sometimes we can't
@Bluewind It’s up to them at the end of the day
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Happens a lot, and just not here.. In the end we are all attention whores to some degree
@Deadcutie Lol I couldn’t agree more
Or maybe they actually are down and are looking for support..
@SW-User If they still do it after they’ve received so much support, I don’t think so
@SW-User if it’s excessive then maybe not then.. it’s easy to tell the attention seekers apart
That seems to be a same around here. I have got to the point that I just ignore the questions and move on.
@Mondayschild They constantly need reassurance. Sometimes we don’t have the energy anymore to help people with their shit lol
@SW-User true, and I have my own problems mostly he he!
@Mondayschild Lol yuuup
@VolpeTredici I think so too
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I don't buy into it yo
@MartinTheFirst Even if it comes from me? 😏😆
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Even you 🤗
@MartinTheFirst 😂🤗
TerryCutter · 56-60, M
I suppose even off the whimpernet people use it as a bit of an icebreaker, gets a bit of friendly banter going.
@TerryCutter Lol Good point. I’ve done that just for fun but I never do it in public at a constant pace. I don’t want people to put up with my shit lol
TerryCutter · 56-60, M
@SW-User Different in public. You don't get erupting hearts, gifts and people adding you as a friend. You're lucky if you get a cream bun.
@TerryCutter 😂 It’s more fun on the internet, isn’t it?
Perhaps or they really think that little of themselves and hate themselves that much
@SW-User it's easy to give and hear encouragement, it's harder to accept it when you hear the opposite from others and feel the opposite way of what you're being told.
@SW-User So you just keep rambling about the same thing till you get the right support? There’s no right support in my opinion. People help you in different ways that work for them, and it’s up to you to listen and give each of them a try so you can see if it’ll work for you as well.
@SW-User 🤷🏻
perhaps yes .. while some others may be having some serious mental meltdown .. cant say for sure
@SW-User It’s hard to decide if they’re searching for attention and not looking for help but I think time helps reveal that
Finegent · 22-25, M
I'm not smart enough for that. oh wait I just did it lol
@Finegent Lol Smart
texasdaddydom · 51-55, M
what other reason is there?
@texasdaddydom They’re looking for real help and not just the pleasure of having people pay attention to them? 🤔
texasdaddydom · 51-55, M
@SW-User none of that was in original premise whatever the reason they ARE looking for attention
firefall · 61-69, M
Sure. Just like real life.
@firefall Yeah if you think about it, virtual life is more or less pretty similar to real life
firefall · 61-69, M
@SW-User oh yeah. Only real difference is some ppl are braver and/or ruder here, thinking there are no consequences.
@firefall 😂 Couldn’t agree more
Yes, but not all the negativity is about attention. Some seems real.
meemo70 · 51-55, M
Yeah I think many people do that.
@meemo70 Me too
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
Some do 😡😘
@LondonCowboy Yeah it gets sketchy real fast
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
@SW-User I appreciate that some people do genuinely have low self esteem but those that pretend they do to get attention are bad as they take the attention away from those that genuinely need it 😟 I suppose you could argue that those seeking attention do have low self esteem as confident people don’t need to seek assurance from others ✌️ It’s complicated and complex like all human nature is ! 😘
@LondonCowboy I think those attention seekers do have low self esteem but they don’t try to change that. This separates them from true inviduals who want to look for help and try to feel better about themselves
@SW-User Same
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@5thApprentice Lol maybe?

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