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Batman · 41-45, M
Yes it’s a team sport raising kids.
ProdigalSummer · F
Of course he can. I’ve known several stay at home dads and they were all fantastic.
Serenitree · F
Definitely. I've known a few who did, either because the mother was in a much higher paid job, or dad was unable to work due to injuries received on the job, so they stay home with the kids and get workers' compensation while mom goes to work.
iQuit · F
Why would it not be ok? What's wrong with someone being able to raise their own child and do their best at home for their partner to excel in their own respected career?
kate21 · 26-30, F
Yes. I think it would be awesome if the cost of raising a family was such that only one parent had to work, and I don’t care which one it is
666Maggotz · F
Of course it’s okay. As long as the kids are properly taken care of that’s all that matters.
I believe that traditional gender roles are only outdated if the person asking the question thinks that they are. To them they might be. That's perfectly fine. To the mother of three down the street, mothering might be her number one goal and aim in life. She might love her traditional role in her life. And that's fine too.
The point being, here, is that the traditional gender roles being outdated or not is dependent entirely on the person considering them.
That being said, who would dare to have the audacity to demand that someone do something they don't want to do? Or vice versa.
As for me, asking whether it's cool for a man to stay home with his children? Yeah, certainly. However, for myself, I would just be happy to have someone whom I could trust without reservation to watch my daughter when I cant.
The point being, here, is that the traditional gender roles being outdated or not is dependent entirely on the person considering them.
That being said, who would dare to have the audacity to demand that someone do something they don't want to do? Or vice versa.
As for me, asking whether it's cool for a man to stay home with his children? Yeah, certainly. However, for myself, I would just be happy to have someone whom I could trust without reservation to watch my daughter when I cant.
Fernie · F
@SW-User you miss the part where society dictates how each gender should behave. In that sense many feel pressured to act a certain way...many people still scoff at stay at home Dads..and Women CEO's....not manly..not Womanly...too weak..too it does not always matter how a person feels about their gender role...they feel they MUST act the way society/the buybull tells them to
@Fernie The person you describe, being so dependent upon society's approval, must be quite shallow and ignorant. People defy such societal norms day to day. To wit, these same norms are slowly, but surely, crumbling.
Despite this, you are correct...
Despite this, you are correct...
All traditional genders are outdated never mind their roles
Mamapolo2016 · F
@SW-User Hey. I don’t mind someone else’s gender but I like mine.
Yes it’s very ok . I did it over 20 years ago , wouldn’t have missed it for the world .
Lynda70 · F
Yes. The old fashioned gender roles just oppress women.
Sure! but the only downside to either gender staying home to be mom or dad is that if you want to get back into the workforce afterwards, the longer the break, the more difficult it is to pick up on your career again.
My dad had to be the last 10 years of his life due to health issues.
Fernie · F
Of course! It's about damn time
jackson55 · M
Sure why not? Some perfur it.
ItsRichard · M
Yes it’s ok
JustLikeGreta · F
of course
topcap2017 · 51-55, M
Sophiewargamer · F
Sure I don’t see anything wrong with that, for me if dad stayed at home instead of mum being here that’ll mean gaming and not nagging lol
Mamapolo2016 · F
If Mom and Dad are both agreed and both of them are happy in those roles I see no reason whatsoever for it not to happen.
twistermind · 51-55, F
A houseman? Yes, of course! It’s ok.
It’s onky a matter of an agreement between your hubby and you.
It’s onky a matter of an agreement between your hubby and you.
It won't kill him... women have been doing it for long enough, and we survived to tell the tale!!!
Yeah. If he wants to do it and enjoys doing it then why shouldn’t he?
Yes. And taditional roles are outdated.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
il happily volunteer..
twistermind · 51-55, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Don’t forget to clean the bathrooms.