I think I cannot love more than One in the same time ,I dont know how people do that Lol..If you mean true love not liking or admiring..
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
I didn’t think it was possible. I’m not so sure though.
karensnewfriend · 36-40, F
Humans are meant to love more than one person.
Fernie · F
I don't believe that we can fall "in love" with multiple people.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's only societal expectations that mean we think only in terms of one at a time.
So law of averages suggest that type of thinking will be challenged from time to time.
So law of averages suggest that type of thinking will be challenged from time to time.
4meAndyou · F
When I think back, I have fallen in love with two men very deeply. They were very different. One was kind and considerate and intelligent. I think I was too young emotionally when I met him. The other was funny, a bad boy, exciting at first, covered with figurative warts.
I loved them both very much. To this day I still regret that it didn't work out.
I loved them both very much. To this day I still regret that it didn't work out.

I've been in love with 2 people before.

I honestly do not know. It just happens sometimes.
goodguy007 · 41-45, M
Maybe they fulfill our different needs. Maybe you grow as a person and realize you dont love the one loved earlier as much anymore and there is an opportunity to give that love to another person.
There can be other reasons as well.
There can be other reasons as well.
PotPrincess1 · 36-40, M
We can love many people but never in the same way
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Love is quite limitless
metaldog · 51-55, F
I can't...I love being in love with my love 🙂
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
For me no way one you love n the other you like only

Well it is just an emotion. I reckon it is possible after you realize you are in love with a wrong person. 😕
cycleman · 61-69, M
is being sexually excited, turned on called love?

@cycleman no lol
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@cycleman I second the No but I understand the comment

Corrupted and self absorbed souls can. I don’t believe in love but let’s say it exists, I think it should happen only once.
Fernie · F
@SW-User you haven't felt real love yet...I hope you do one day
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@Fernie I second your comment.. love is something everyone should have
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Std hoe?
Namaste0911 · 51-55, F
@sighmeupforthat you are very narrow minded.