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Can u name a beautiful woman from SW or EP ? 🚺

How about that fanatical lady named Lyrical One. This is someone that I know quite well here on SW. She's a nice looking lady, too. Yes its true. And she is my friend. If you can please give me the name of someone on this site who you think is beautiful. And remember this post is for those who understand that beauty is inside as well as out. Thank you. ☺
djcam · M Best Comment
@JustGoneNow, though I don’t know what she truly looks like it doesn’t matter. She has a beautiful and striving heart and that’s what counts to me.
djcam · M
@JustGoneNow you got cake? (;
@djcam lol
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@djcam So very true. Only a few here have a heart that big. She has perhaps the biggest. 😌

Somewhere in those 903 replies, I must have already answered, however I am going to vote twice for: Soossie. One of the most remarkable in the world.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
So what did we learn in 2020 my fellow friends. We learned that looks as it has been said before that looks can be deceiving. They like to say that a beautiful woman is vain. But the truth is some of the lesser beautiful women can often be the ugliest inside. Note I said inside. Because some of them are nasty bitter and wicked. You would be very surprised to know who really is nice here and who is not. I would advise you to use your spiritual eyes and not the natural eyes. Because at the end of the day the truth always comes out. Always. Yes. ☺
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Bro 🤣😂@Zonuss
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Scarletwitch punkturtles

Me 💃😂😂🤣
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@DeluxedEdition Deluxe is beautiful. 😉🙂
plasticpants02 · 61-69, M
Too many to pick just one
These women’s souls are beautiful to me

[@HarryRidesTheShortBus][@Prokamin][@Ladyryan][@Prettybrat] [@PizzaGoddess][@Deadteddybear] [@SapphicHeart][@Scarletwitch] [@Fungirlmmm][@Faery] [@Carver] [@OdysseyArising][@second2018][@Elora][@Peaches][@Calipri] [@Lilymoon][@Lissa][@silentkillx2][@AlmostAnAngel][@bijouxbroussard]
[@Rollerskatesandpocketblades][@rottenrobi] [@Summersong] [@Ynotjenn] [@Grackle][@CryingClown][@Tinkerbell824] [@bamagirliie] [@LadyGrace] [@Elandra77] [@KayraJordyn] [@mindstruggle] [@Baphomet][@SardonicasCurse] [@CallmeHopelessNotRomantic] [@Miklee02] [@Magnolia] [@GLITTER] [@dreamsicle] [@Deadcutie] [@HijabaDabbaDoo] [@Vivaci] [@Chernobylplayground] [@WeAreLegions] [@SpaceCreature] [@smartazzbasicbich] [@Madgirl] [@helenS] [@Tulips] [@Flenflyys][@SquirrelGirl][@newjaninev2] [@Serenitree] [@MightyMarvellous] [@QueenOfQuirk] [@Dixiechick] [@TryingtoLava] [@butterfly1013] [@Coprolalia] [@TeresaRudolph71] [@Quietrumble] [@RubySoo] [@SailorMarz] [@LittleLisa] [@HeartWingz] [@AcidBurn] [@Seastarlight] [@EarthWalker] [@WildHeart] [@MagnifiqueGirl] [@JupiterDreams] [@Mondayschild] [@Selah] [@kaiminx] [@Somewhereovertherainbow]
Woah. I remember this. Long time ago.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
@LittleEvilOne,@SW-User, @KaysHealingPath, @Carver, @Peaches, @Soossie, @rottenrobi, @summersong, @ProdigalSummer, @caccoon

Shit, I know I forgot someone 😫
@Peaches lol thank you 🙂
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User This was interesting.
@Zonuss I got good taste,eh? 😅
LyricalOne · F
I’ll have the check to you by the beginning of next week.
LyricalOne · F
@Zonuss 😘
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JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@LyricalOne you’re beautiful. That’s why Richard Simmons lives with you. 😏
@SapphicHeart is smart, kind-hearted and beautiful.
Northwest · M
@Burnley123 they finally banned her?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Northwest Oh wow lol
Like @SW-User said, she did really manage herself. She got a stern warning by admins and kept it up afterwards. She tried getting back the other day with a new account but was detected and banned once again. Please be free to let me know if you see her back again. Thank you.
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She did it all on her own. She kept escalating it, making it a personal attack, and not an argument/discussion on ideas/opinions. 🙄
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SapphicHeart Its about letting people have their own say. Free speech yes. I don't worry about what people say because I know who I am. So it just doesn't bother me even when people are rude because that is going to happen on this site. Do I have a thick skin. Yes I do and it serves me well. You have good people and you have some bad ones. Life goes on. So for me this is how I see the situation. Thank you. ☺
Crap. Bad excuse for letting people abuse a post that encourages people to mention others in a positive sense and next letting a bully have free access to terrorize the thread without the one posting it having any chance stopping it. Only you as the poster can moderate it aside from admins and mods. Would you let any violations of TOS pass by untouched by you?
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
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DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Bish I said you!!!!! @ScarletWitch
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@Soossie every time!!
@bookerdana lol... goof.. 🤗🤗
bookerdana · M
@Soossie Well I was not wrong😁
@Soossie Thank you 🖤
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@Zonuss whuut 👀
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@SadnAlone uhhmm 😳🤔
StokedFox · 36-40, F
Oh my so many I can't even drop that many names. I love all you ladies.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@StokedFox This is true humility at its best. 🙂
StokedFox · 36-40, F
@Zonuss straight from my heart, most of the women on here are bad ass. It's shitty I'll never get to meet them.
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starky, sturmie, boomsy, swangurl, robi, oji-goji, birdy, ididnotfart my mom, deadteddybear, lanny, sid, oqrabelle, sammybelle
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Dewms ♥️♥️♥️
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@rottenrobi Where did RottenRobi go. 😐
@Dewms You’re gorgeous girl 💙
@SW-User 😢😍❤
@SW-User NUUU!
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Cute.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Hmmmmmm..lots of female love here.
JeanAnna · F
Peapod. I have no idea what she looks like, but she's been a very dear friend to me for a very long time. She speaks her mind but in a nice, polite way. She's a beautiful woman and a true friend. .
JeanAnna · F
@Peapod Awww, don't blush, you know me, I always speak the truth. You've been a good friend to me even when I didn't deserve it at times. Hugs....
Peapod · 61-69, F
@JeanAnna, love always wins. I truly believe that. Somethings were always meant to work out. I'm glad we are both here enjoying ourselves.
JeanAnna · F
@Peapod I believe that as well. Love and forgiveness is the best remedy. ❤️
My girl @whateverhappens 😬
also @DeecemberGirl
And this QTP @Dewms
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Elizabeth28 A very prominent trio there.🙂
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@SW-User 💋
@SW-User I know. 🖤🤗
@JustGoneNow 😭🤗
sunrisehawk · 61-69, M
Beauty is so much more than the physical. While eye candy is delicious to look at, it is just a superficial aspect and while there are some on there who are just that, it is the ones that also reveal their heart, soul, and mind that I find beautiful.

The real challenge isn't to name a beautiful lady, but to draw the line of which you would choose to name.

Fungirlmmm is the first to come to the forefront of my mind. But HeavenBesideYou, PoetryNEmotion, LadyBronte, Peaches, SweetMae, and Sossie all add beauty to this world through their words and actions.

There are so many others who enrich others but were I to start naming all
MrsNesbitt · 56-60, F
@KayraJordyn awwww how lovely. Thank you 😊
YW...I'm certain you have beauty both within and without. Keep shining!
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OdysseyArising · 46-50, F
@SW-User I’ve seen a lot of people like that. Not on here fortunately
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Marcette88 · 36-40, F
We are ALL beautiful!!!
All of us beautiful and absolutely perfect in our imperfections. 🖤
“Oh, pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel...
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect...
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing....”
You're fuckin' perfect to me...”

We’re all beautiful baby. Because we’re all strong women and we make this world better, with just our presence. Don’t let nobody ever tell you fucking different. You’re all fucking perfect to me. 🖤
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@JustGoneNow My first time seeing this.
There are so many beautiful women on here lol

I think @TryingtoLava is extremely beautiful. Too bad she’s not open about it to many people
@Zonuss 😳 I might as well take it all off to get a full tan
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@SadnAlone 😳 Thank you so much 🤗❤️
OdysseyArising · 46-50, F

Did someone mention her already?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@OdysseyArising Interesting answer. She is a rather charismatic and brash young woman. But she is beautiful in her own way.
@OdysseyArising I’ve always liked her. We were friends and I wish her well. 🖤
Serenitree · F
If you're talking about looks, I really can't say, but as for inner beauty, there are several, bijoubrossard, SimplyChantou, Soossie, are just a few, but there are a lot more.

And women aren't the only ones with an inner beauty that surpasses all the physical attributes of others. I'm really beyond caring about what people look like.
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Serenitree Everyone here has a right to express themselves accordingly.
I just don't want anyone here telling me how I should ask my questions or give my answers.
Not you. I just notice that a picky few here often feel the need to lecture me on how I should post. I would not be myself if I changed who I was, especially for someone who doesnt really know me in real life as I am. Thank you. ☺
Serenitree · F
@Zonuss I never have a problem with how you word your posts, I just sometimes have a problem responding without editorializing. I'm extremely opinionated. Not always with popular opinions.
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
@nothingness. She has been through so much yet she maintains her sense of humor and her spunk
chuck7882 · 61-69, M
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@chuck7882 Amazing. I didn't know Nothingness was that popular here. 🙂
@Zonuss Still not sure I am but they’re many very sweet & beautiful souls here that oddly enough like my silly, crazy ass. They are all dear to me. 🖤
Sounds like a terrible idea. I shall say that every woman who wasn’t named here is truly beautiful.
@SW-User I can't begin to name.. there are so many..
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User You are beautiful.
@Zonuss Thank you. I wasn’t criticising your post. Well I was. 😂 But I know you had good intent. It’s just never a good idea to ask people to name others, because people will always feel left out. 🤗
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
@SadnAlone oh yes, of course I remember now. I hope things are going better. 🤗
@dumpstermeow Thank you for your kindness. When I had one of the lowest days I can remember having you were so kind. I remember thinking to myself, “Why does she care, I so don’t deserve this kindness.” But there you were, shining a light in my darkness, telling me you get it and you understand. Just thank you. 🖤
@dumpstermeow 🖤🤗
Just4fun · 51-55, M
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JesseInTX · 51-55, M
@Fungirlmmm tops the list in my book.
Ynotjenn · F
@HeavenBesideYou @Haniazed aww I love you guys 🤗
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
@Ynotjenn 😍
Ynotjenn · F
@HeavenBesideYou 😘🤗
Peaches · F
@SweetMae has my vote, but there are truly many more. 💫😌💓
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@Peaches Thank you Peaches. 🤗
@Carver is very pretty😁🤗
@SW-User absolutely!
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Yes she is adorable.
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Names need not be said, Zonuss. You always want names. Those who are beautiful know who they are. And if they don't, they will learn or others will reinforce them. The few women in my circle are the best. And the patronesses of SW-many are beautiful too. They are classics and they stand the test of time. There are quite a few younger women too. They have it going on both in appearance and internally, emotionally too. I do not name names. Beauty is not like that. To be made a spectacle of. Beauty is quiet in its ability to mesmerize, to enchant, and to display. The most pure hearts show their beauty the best.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@PoetryNEmotion Self projecting again are we. More hateful comments from you. Sound jealous to me. ☺
@Zonuss You so like to get attention. I thought you might outgrow that. All you care about is getting points and attention here. No one is interested in being your mate online. I will ignore you. I am being truthful. I have many close friends. And I don't need to name names to make feeble attempts to gain attention. Go play. I have plenty of children who are not adults. LOL. Jealousy is foolish and so beneath me. Good bye. Perhaps you could post a bit on selfies. I bet people flock to that. LMSAO. You are silly. Bye.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@PoetryNEmotion That is so great to hear. Thank you. ☺
Sharky86 · 36-40, M
There are nice women here. But also some that are nice in the soul, and that's more important.
@Sharky86 yes 😎😎👍
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@YukikoAmagi Hmmmmm
@Zonuss 😅
many beautiful hearts here in SW
@Zonuss Thank you. Kindness and compassion cost us nothing. 🦋
Nothing but love and understanding many of us are not willing to extend, capable or not. It absolutely matters when one should chose kindness and compassion. Thank you for your loving care, En. 🤗🖤 It makes a real impact you may never see the extent of in this life. @JustGoneNow
@KayraJordyn I love you all, my beautiful lights. I watch your glow from my darkness. So beautiful. 🖤
Platinum · M
Too many to name ...loads of beautiful women
Platinum · M
@Thinkerbell of course you are top...always have been...🥰
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

That's more like it. 🤭

Platinum · M
I knew I could sweet talk you.....hehe....@Thinkerbell
i don't even know why did go through all of them hoping someone would say me 😆

anyways personally i think these ladies are the loveliest because they are the nicest and prettiest:

@Madelenie, @SimplyTracie, @LittleEvilOne
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strongbow · 46-50, M
@SW-User One of those is cute but her obsession with political junk makes her quite unattractive
@SW-User is an amazingly strong, beautiful woman. I'm learning just how strong she is, more and more, on the daily. 🖤
@KayraJordyn She’s awesome.
Miram · 31-35, F
She certainly is.
I can see beauty in everyone's good actions, even those I don't get along with, in good intentions too.
I am thankful for having the chance to see it and express my gratitude towards it. Beauty is therapeutic, it shows us what we want from ourselves. If we can see it, perhaps we can be it. The beauty in strength, in honesty, in love, in wisdom, in generosity...
@Miram I love you DC 🖤🤗
Miram · 31-35, F
@JustGoneNow I love you too 😘❤
Think she owes you a blowie for that one.... Good man😂😂😂
@Zonuss fcuking hell, chill out scrooge! 😂😂 bah humbug to you.
Have a nice day😃
@Jogadnbyt You know how some people just rub you wrong?
@SW-User no, what's a people???
I wore myself out on this post once. lol
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Beauty is only skin deep. I strongly believe that a Woman's soul is what makes her more beautiful than anything. Attitude is everything, so carry it well ladies. There is nothing more unattractive than a Woman or a Man for that matter with a nasty no good attitude. That is a huge turn off. So stay positive no matter what anybody says.
You are all beautiful to me. 🙂
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Oh here is one of those mean girls I forgot to talk about on my post. How are you Novascel. Yes you are beautiful too. 🙂
@Zonuss Good, hope you're fine too😝You might wanna remove that knife thoo
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Oh its fine. I have God on my side. Thank you very much. 🙂
I bet u got a looootttaaa damn coins for this postt...GIMMEEE, GIMMEE ALL YOUR MONEY!!!😠✂
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Sorry, but that is as high as I am going, until...☺
@Zonuss COINS😡
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Shhhhh. Cash only. 🏧 💰 🤑
LadyGrace · 70-79
Zonuss, this surely must be the most responses anyone has ever received on here. Wow! 😄
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace Yes. It was great to see do many users here participating on this post. Good to see you again. And thank you. ☺
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Zonuss Thank you. Wasn’t that amazing?!! Who knew that could even happen? haha So does that mean you get a lot of points, or what? I hope so.

It really threw me when you changed your avatar quite some time ago. I miss the old one. Good to see you again, too.
@LadyGrace. She's not here right now, but she's been a true friend to me. Called me out on my mistakes when I didn't realize I was in need. Thank you, Grace. I hope to see you here again. 🖤
@KayraJordyn Yeah. 🦋
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@JustGoneNow Awesome. ☺
Aww!! Thank you my friend.... :) @Brianthesnail
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
wasnt u hitting on baby girl alex-some numbers few days ago... this guy.. want a drink ?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@whateverhappens No. I was not hitting on her you dolt. I was complimenting her because she is a fun person here on SW. 😛
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
@Zonuss as far as i can recall the title was crush
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@whateverhappens Yes a crush and nothing more. 😕
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
I'd be hard pressed to name one who isn't beautiful....there are many many beautiful people (and souls) here, male and female.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ImpeccablyImperfect Yes. You are right. Now go back to sleep. 🙂
There's too many for me to name.
Dusty101 · F
@SW-User you're one lissa ☺
@Dusty101 You are too Dusty. And honestly I could type names for an hour.
Dusty101 · F
@SW-Userawwwe thank you! me too!! Lovely girls here! I get week tagging... it's such a chore!!!

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