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ProfMarston · 41-45, M
it's refreshing to this old codger to see that there are some of your generation that recognize the trend and are bothered enough by it to say something. there's hope for humankind yet.
@ProfMarston my cat and I will change the world.

Pineapple · 100+, F
there’s someone who will find offence in literally anything anybody could possibly say
NewBecky · 51-55, F
The people that claim to be most tolerant have been the most intolerant of differing views. They have been vocal and disruptive. The truth is that there is no neutrality. No view is neutral. Abortion, for instance - It is or is not murder. No neutral option.

We need to be able to debate and to follow the rules of debate so that we might honestly seek truth. If people use insults instead of facts then they are obviously ignorant.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Honestly I blame litigation. At first people were hard-headed and selfish, so they decided society needed some rules to be fair. That was fine until damn lawyers realized they could extract exorbitant sums of money if they could prove that institutions were not just breaking the rules, but had not created perfectly fair environments. So those institutions, the schools, the universities, the corporations, went overboard making everywhere a safe space. Now it seeped into the culture, and everyone learned that complaining was easier than solving problems themselves. Then social media came along and suddenly the masses didn't even need to litigate, they just had to post some crap or leave a bad review and other people would magnify their unsubstantiated armchair opinions. Meanwhile the banksters had indebted every man and his dog, so nobody could afford to lose a job over bad PR. Cue the rise of the social justice warrior and safe spaces and trigger warnings.
Nat15 · F
Idk but it sucks. People need to be kind but they also need to grow thicker skin. :/
popmol · 22-25, M
people get offended for other people, and they say things that others might think. and anything is good to them so don't you dare criticize them. those are 3 big problems.

but hey i'll still say what i want i don't care.
Novaturient81 · 41-45, F
Different people, different views.

We can't make people look at it from our point of view.

So, we have to be a little careful with what we say is all.

popmol · 22-25, M
@Novaturient81 again i only say it to specific people or when i'm talking about them and forget their name.

well wouldn't it be if you used Caucasian as a bad word and then use it in a good way :p

i wouldn't really care :p but we use it in a way as in jokingly insulting or something specific to make them notice that you are talking to them.

if i come out of a fast food shop they would say theres the fatman! which i would find funny unless i had a tummy ache :p
i have learned to have a thick skin and learn to accept that people sometimes mean it funny and i'll always laugh and if it really bothers me then i'd ask them to not ever say it again. but that has never happened.

what does smh mean?
Novaturient81 · 41-45, F
@popmol Shaking My Head. I think.

I think we're just talking in circles. And I'm sick. So let's just agree to disagree.

popmol · 22-25, M
@Novaturient81 aah thank you i never know those things :p

well yeah why not! i hope you get better soon.

but please understand i don't try to offend people on purpose and i'll say sorry but they should also get a thicker skin.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
It's not just your generation...the whole world seems to have gone off the deep end. I'm 50 and things are much different than they were 35 years ago. I feel the world has changed because people have changed (and not always for the better).
firefall · 61-69, M
yeah, it's changed a lot in the last 10 years, & not just your generation. More & more people are on the lookout for things to be outraged about, or to claim victimhood.
LyricalOne · F
Things haven’t been “light” for a very long time. The Columbine High School massacre occurred in 1999.
Unparalleled visibility into our personal lives has very real ramifications on our behavior.
Classified · M
That's the situation. Just deal with it!

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