TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
taken from my EP account file..
I Am An Introvert
Posted: March 30, 2012 06:26 by TheOneyouwerewarnedabout , 44 votes
Eye Contact.... is it just me fellow inni's?<br /> i can't remember a time i held eye contact with anybody but my kids... <br /> i have two theories for myself.. <br /> A. i subconsiously think the person will see my dis-intrest in their rant.<br /> B. i can't look at 2 eyes at the same time, i look at one eye back and forth or, start to wonder around their face (maybe bordom) and look at the gap inbetween their eyes or mouth...<br /> just where the hell are you ment to look?<br /> also, if you do make face to face contact with them, conversations tend to drag on a tad. if i look around while still answering the Q's and throwing in a few dummy Q's to give the illusion they have 100% of my attention :) the convo ends faster, (if they got half a clue-they realise i'm being an a$$) and rolleyes and leave . fine by me. i didn't ask you to entertain me fella!:)
I Am An Introvert
Posted: March 30, 2012 06:26 by TheOneyouwerewarnedabout , 44 votes
Eye Contact.... is it just me fellow inni's?<br /> i can't remember a time i held eye contact with anybody but my kids... <br /> i have two theories for myself.. <br /> A. i subconsiously think the person will see my dis-intrest in their rant.<br /> B. i can't look at 2 eyes at the same time, i look at one eye back and forth or, start to wonder around their face (maybe bordom) and look at the gap inbetween their eyes or mouth...<br /> just where the hell are you ment to look?<br /> also, if you do make face to face contact with them, conversations tend to drag on a tad. if i look around while still answering the Q's and throwing in a few dummy Q's to give the illusion they have 100% of my attention :) the convo ends faster, (if they got half a clue-they realise i'm being an a$$) and rolleyes and leave . fine by me. i didn't ask you to entertain me fella!:)
Mulham84 · 36-40, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Thank you for sharing .And you're lucky to retrieve your EP stories as I couldn't . God bless you
TheProphet · M
Eye contact, body language, my words, and lastly my guns. In that order.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
When my kid is in trouble, yeah.
fallnhope · 36-40, F
No, I have a hard time making eye contact