Gauntlets28 · 26-30, M
I quite liked the nineties. Obviously I only got half of it, being born in '95, but they generally felt a lot happier and more optimistic, and I don't think that's just a childish worldview warping my memories. There was a kind of idealism in the air, like everyone thought technology would build a new utopia and the prosperous times would go on forever in the post-Cold War world. Obviously that went out of the window.
Shayama · F
Gforce1163 · 61-69, M
Victorian England or Ancient Rome. But only if I was rich

1800. I would help witches to write doom metal songs
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dreamaway · F
@SW-User oh i know.. but they got caught

@dreamaway Well this time I would be there to set traps n shit so if some fucker come looking for us to burn, we will totally rule the jungle and have twisted, fucked up orgies
dreamaway · F
@SW-User right ok well you have fun with your orgies
royalblue1193 · 31-35, M
90s/ early 2000s
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SailorMarz · F
Let’s go back to 1989
1840's or 1920's

ExperienceDLT · M
Wild West
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
this one. I dont want to trade my life for something that possibly is worse.
dreamaway · F
@MartinTheFirst understandable. but this one is not doing so great right now
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@dreamaway True.