fit, i can wear a hat. i dont look that good in a corset...
Imaginethat · 61-69, M
Balding & fit = healthy & potential longevity.
Newstart77 · 46-50, F
@Imaginethat Yep!!
masterofyou · 70-79, M
I have hair .... and I'm fit..... What is important is to be healthy and loving...💕
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
Balding but fit. I can always do hair transplants if I want.
Lackwittyname · M
Glad I am fit and have a full head of hair
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Lackwittyname · M
@Newstart77 Thanks, definitely lucky me
Newstart77 · 46-50, F
Ok but will you let your spouse touch it. That is a big deal. To hell with a guy having hair if I cant run my fingers through it.
Lackwittyname · M
@Newstart77 Of course I would, I love and melt with that
fun4us2b · M
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I'm already balding and have made peace with it
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I am fit and have a full head of hair. My barber even uses thinning scissors from time to time. *had to Google the spelling of
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
I'm already loosing m hair and I think I'm pretty fit. So I think I'll stay the way I am.

I couldn't stand to be fat and sloppy, so I guess the hair goes..
Newstart77 · 46-50, F
Well hell then... I am afraid what your team looks like.

@Newstart77 Studs, all of us. 😏
Newstart77 · 46-50, F
@SW-User hmmm studs...😂 ok I am sure it's true. Well I guess it depends on how good of a player you are and how many teeth are missing.😂😂😂
har7070 · 51-55, M
Who cares about the hair?
katielass · F
How about overweight and bald.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
balding but fit
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
with my wife.
but i'm not a man i'm a male species type person something with a penis thingy or ....
stand pissing upright something or
whatever the hell everyone is fighting about gender wise.
but i'm not a man i'm a male species type person something with a penis thingy or ....
stand pissing upright something or
whatever the hell everyone is fighting about gender wise.