Easy 😏
I already have chosen happiness
I already have chosen happiness
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
Wealth is easy to get .. But happiness is almost impossible
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khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@Okaythenbud Sometimes!! My point is you can be wealthy forever but you can't be happy forever
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Okaythenbud · 26-30, F
I reckon that everyone has the ability to be happy, it just comes about in different ways and can be harder for some to find. @PissAndVinegar
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Wealth. Happiness is an innately transitory state. It cannot be maintained for long. Wealth is much more stable, so long as it is used properly.

The great lie is that money will bring you happiness. It won't. Of course, being poor sucks, but I can tell you (from experience with family) the wealthy can be utterly miserable. I need money to live, but would choose happiness thanks! ;)
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@SW-User agree, out of life experience

Money. I'm poor and not happy.
Lisette · 36-40, F
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
@Lisette hahah
Randomperson · F

Edit: interesting to see responses from people who don't have wealth. Oh well. Can't understand what you don't know.
Edit: interesting to see responses from people who don't have wealth. Oh well. Can't understand what you don't know.

wealth could bring happiness
Lisette · 36-40, F
@SW-User At least for me it does. I'm happiest when I can control my life which takes money. I'm happiest when I can do what I want to do and that takes money

yep.. when you are strapped for cash your life is kind of caged. no freedoms to do things or have things that can bring enjoyment.
LittleLamp · 26-30, F
What do you mean? Wealth is happiness 😂
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Diyanne · F
I choose happiness...
goodguy007 · 41-45, M
caccoon · 36-40
Happiness happiness happiness.
Wealth. I've already been fucked so severely that I'd dedicate the rest of my life to inflicting pain anyway. Might as well maximize my capacity for damage.