Bought a cold weather sleeping bag for a hobo
It's only dropped down to the low 30s a few times so far, due to a combination of La Nina making this winter especially mild, as well as a North America weather phenomena known as Indian Summer. The older woman in her 50s who I always saw on my way to work via downtown vanished late summer, she was going to be my first target. I figured she was a woman escaping a bad marriage. Instead it is probably going to be one of the homeless black crackheads I see in the stretch around my van where I park.
In F° freezing is 32°F, and this bad is rated for °10. That's the good news, the bad news is, you need at least a foot of insulation between you and the ground of else the heat in your body will get sucked out of you, whatever the rating of the bag. I doubt any of them will comprehend this because most black people I've known over the years don't camp and lack a backwoods conprehension, so if I provided him this info with a folding saw and tell him to go up into the woods I would just get a dead stare and find him hypothermic shivering in the bag on the sidewalk in 30° weather, because what I would say doesn't make cultural sense to them. I'll tell him to build up at least a foot of cardboard but I really have my doubts with this lot.
I'm not joking, they are all crackheads and prostitutes, wordt part of town. Lowest of the low, one guy was murdered right by where I park back in August. I see some outside more than others so those are the ones I will target. If I keep getting fulltime hours, I'll keep buying them bags. This week I got scheduled for a full 40 hours so I bought this. I'm also gonna throw in one of those massive bags of beef sticks from Rural King. I'm not giving the smoked cheese because only 70% of black people can even digest that stuff, and I don't want to torture someone starving.
If any of the guys seem receptive on susvival techniques I might invest more tips and gear into them. I'm a veteran, used to be in the arctic light airborne infantry up in Alaska so am willing to give them whatever info, but this lot seems barely cognizant. Hopefully once the illegals start getting deported some of them can land jobs from desperate employers willing to hire even a crackhead. They just gotta stay alive for Trump to reverse the recession and deport enough illegals for the job market to open up with a combination of low skilled jobs at a liveable wage, and rooms to become available to rent. They have far more right to it than the illegals do by merely being Americans. It's there country, they should reap the bounty first before someone else sneaking in agrees to take it for less. That starts a viscious circle, and the poor just get poorer.
So hopefully at least one guy lives. The yellow sleeping bag is for me, but it hasn't gotten cold enough yet to use it, just the low 30s so far.