seaglass · F
Same name but the Irish version, since I'm not even French
Piper · 61-69, F
I came to quite like my birth name, over time, so I'd prefer to keep it.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I like mine it’s different

Adogslife · 61-69, M
@Primnproper Same. I’m keeping mine too. 😊
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My real name is Hunkleberry Aloysius Love but I mostly go by my professional wrestling name, The Hunkster.

a new one, changed it years ago, if your not happy with anything then change it, life is too short


I prefer a new one
KarenisKenziesmum · 51-55, F
I've always been happy with my birth name.

KarenisKenziesmum · 51-55, F
@SW-User I have two daughters. My other daughter's name is Kaitlyn but she likes to be known as Katie. She doesn't have an account on here but Kenzie does and she suggested my screen name.


I'd like the sound of something classy - - like Fitzhugh Canfield Compton III
Chris123 · 18-21
New one pretty please

Chris123 · 18-21
@SW-User someday who knows
Ontheroad · M
I hated it as a teenager, but I grew into it and learned to like it.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
I’ll keep mine. It has family history behind it that makes me proud, and legacy to live up to.
SomeMichGuy · M
Is that Pom Klementieff? (sp?)
New name! I already use it!
Monaschandroff86 · F
Which is my new name Moona or Mona they are both kind of old
bijouxbroussard · F
My birth name fits now. It was just an old lady name that resisted nicknames when I was a child.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Birth name
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
New one
I rarely go by my birth name
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I used to hate my name but now I don’t so I could keep it the same
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