It is a long weekend here in Perth
WA Day - formally Labour Day (A celebration of the right for workers to enjoy 8 hours work, 8 hours recreation and 8 hours rest).
On a whim I decided to go away. I intended to stay in Mandurah but the whole place was booked out.
As often happens on long weekends.
So I tried Rockingham and I was able to book 3 nights at the Hotel Clipper.
$229 a night. I thought it was very fortuitous get 3 nights accommodation one day before a long weekend.
Rockingham is only 48 km (30 miles) from Perth but the trip still took me 90 minutes.
Normally I would drive on the Kwinana Freeway but from past experiences I know traffic on the freeway on long weekends is very heavy and slow going.
Bretrick being clever decided to take the coastal route. Big mistake. Very slow going, especially on Stirling Highway. Too much traffic and too many traffic lights.
Then once I passed through Fremantle the speed picked up, for a few kilometres, then almost a complete stop. Crawling along at 10kph, stopping, crawling, stopping.
The final 10km stretched on for 30 minutes.
Finally I arrive at Rockingham and am now comfortably ensconced in my adequate room.
On a whim I decided to go away. I intended to stay in Mandurah but the whole place was booked out.
As often happens on long weekends.
So I tried Rockingham and I was able to book 3 nights at the Hotel Clipper.
$229 a night. I thought it was very fortuitous get 3 nights accommodation one day before a long weekend.
Rockingham is only 48 km (30 miles) from Perth but the trip still took me 90 minutes.
Normally I would drive on the Kwinana Freeway but from past experiences I know traffic on the freeway on long weekends is very heavy and slow going.
Bretrick being clever decided to take the coastal route. Big mistake. Very slow going, especially on Stirling Highway. Too much traffic and too many traffic lights.
Then once I passed through Fremantle the speed picked up, for a few kilometres, then almost a complete stop. Crawling along at 10kph, stopping, crawling, stopping.
The final 10km stretched on for 30 minutes.
Finally I arrive at Rockingham and am now comfortably ensconced in my adequate room.