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Need a travel suggestion in PA

I'm in Pittsburgh, Pa, and want to visit a site that is a museum or some historical place, within 200 miles of Pittsburgh. I have a campervan, so staying overnight isn't a issue.

I was thinking at first Altoona, and then the healthcare insurance assassin thing ruined that as a idea anytime soon. I'm thinking maybe Gettysburg. I don't know what else at this point. I've done the Pittsburgh stuff, did the Ohio stuff, went to Fort Necessity a few times too many, Lauren Caverns done did it. Been to Lake Erie. Saw the giant poster in Union Town. Ummmm.... I guess I can go hand out in one of the Cat Cafe's in the state? I hiked out on foot to Ohio Pyle from West Virginia already, so merely reviting it during the off season won't be too interesting. I have tourist brochures for Butler County, and think I did it all already, at least the parts worth doing.

I also hit farther afield apots like the parthenon, or the NY Met Art. I got two days off after tomorrow. I can't go into Washington DC because my van has locksmith equipment in it (okd Nixon laws).

I don't really know what to do. Go milk a cow in Hershey, Pa?
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
I live in Maryland and have been to Gettysburg many times. It's only a 45min drive for me. There is a history museum there but it's focused on the civil and ww wars mostly. The visit there is mostly for civil war scenery which you've said you've seen enough of. There are however many mom and pop restaurants that are enjoyable if you're into that.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Other than Hershey park, not much to do around there. Southeast Pennsylvania, valley forge, state penitentiary, fanklin institute, liberty bell, betsy ross house, Longwood gardens... the schuylkill expressway, rt 76, that heads in and out of philly, avoid during rush hour any time afyer 3p. If weekend, watch for any professional games played there as that will increase the volume of traffic. There are 2 large malls in king of Prussia, a few miles away from valley forge.... hope this gives you a starting point
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
Take the horseback tour of Gettysburg. It really gives you the soldiers perspective of the battle!
dale74 · M
@dale74 I was actually thinking of staying out in Valley Forge if I moved to Philadelphia. My job has strangely remained full time, while lots of others have been laid off for the winter, so I haven't moved yet. I'm saving the Philadelphia and DC stuff for when I move out that way.

I will say the trainstation in Philadelphia (Amtrak) is clearly modelled off the parthenon.... that same trip I went to Nashville, Tennessee to see the lifesize replica (then South Carolina), I returned via Philly to Pittsburgh, and was just sitting there in the train station and looking up at the ceiling, and had a WTF moment, realizing it looked identical to Nashville. Then I looked around and sae other Greek temple attributes, and then finally said to myself if this was modelled off a greek temple, there would be a statue of a god..... and sure enough I found one, was dedicated either as a war memorial or to cops or union labor.... (can't recall exactly what), looked like a Roman winged Nike.

And that same trip I stumbled across the roman temple in Charleston, South Carolina. Wasn't at all expecting that. Three temples in one trip, only expecting the one.
dale74 · M
@Dignaga I was working on a project over in Maryland if you don't mind driving a little ways they had some beautiful areas on the water for less than a half million. I also worked on a project and upstate New York and that was really nice as well.
@dale74 If I went all the way to Maryland I'd probably just go to The Library of Congress. I'm a classics, history and philosophy nerd. I'm looking more for museums, not just views. I've seen about million scenic views around the country over the years.
@sunsporter1649 I might do that closer to christmas.

Might just go to Buffalo, NY for the museums, it's gonna be raining and snowing at Gettysburgh.
candycane · 36-40, F
It's been a while since I been there but they had and old steam engine with sleepers and dining cars it road up to Ohio, stayed the night then the gateway clipper boat picked you up and you took the river back on an old paddle wheel boat
@candycane I used to jog on railroad tracks along the Ohio River on the West Virginia side trying to out run the paddleboats, my feet hitting the railroad ties every other one.

But staying in a paddleboat is either a relationship thing, or a gambling problem thing (riverboat gambling used to be up and down the Ohio River, but they are all docked in Indiana now, as semi-permanent casinos. I'm a member of the prohibition party and in addition as a INTJ have low Se as a function, so the bells and whistles and excitement quickly tires me out. Gambling isn't remotely attractive to me.

But I do like the idea of traveling and exploring on a riverboat. The Science Fiction series River World was about a alien planet where all humans who ever lived would be randomly reincarnated off a shore, swim ashore to a wild river valley. Society was broken into teo factions, one lead by Emperor Nero, with followers from all eras before and after to our time, and Mark Twain who built and commanded a Paddle Boat that traveled the River everyone was trapped on:


I've been stuck kayaking in San Diego between two classical wooden galleys having a mock cannon battle that came up being me. People on board the ships just must of been laughing at me. Just WTF?
candycane · 36-40, F
@Dignaga the paddle boats had a dinner cruise, a party cruise and the good ship lolopop was a birthday cruise for kids. No gambling
@candycane Well, I would need a woman and kids to do that, or else I would have the cops called on me for being a creepy single guy hanging out with young kids. Why I can't enter into a Chucky Cheese anymore, despite it being my favorite restaurant.

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