Need a travel suggestion in PA
I'm in Pittsburgh, Pa, and want to visit a site that is a museum or some historical place, within 200 miles of Pittsburgh. I have a campervan, so staying overnight isn't a issue.
I was thinking at first Altoona, and then the healthcare insurance assassin thing ruined that as a idea anytime soon. I'm thinking maybe Gettysburg. I don't know what else at this point. I've done the Pittsburgh stuff, did the Ohio stuff, went to Fort Necessity a few times too many, Lauren Caverns done did it. Been to Lake Erie. Saw the giant poster in Union Town. Ummmm.... I guess I can go hand out in one of the Cat Cafe's in the state? I hiked out on foot to Ohio Pyle from West Virginia already, so merely reviting it during the off season won't be too interesting. I have tourist brochures for Butler County, and think I did it all already, at least the parts worth doing.
I also hit farther afield apots like the parthenon, or the NY Met Art. I got two days off after tomorrow. I can't go into Washington DC because my van has locksmith equipment in it (okd Nixon laws).
I don't really know what to do. Go milk a cow in Hershey, Pa?
I was thinking at first Altoona, and then the healthcare insurance assassin thing ruined that as a idea anytime soon. I'm thinking maybe Gettysburg. I don't know what else at this point. I've done the Pittsburgh stuff, did the Ohio stuff, went to Fort Necessity a few times too many, Lauren Caverns done did it. Been to Lake Erie. Saw the giant poster in Union Town. Ummmm.... I guess I can go hand out in one of the Cat Cafe's in the state? I hiked out on foot to Ohio Pyle from West Virginia already, so merely reviting it during the off season won't be too interesting. I have tourist brochures for Butler County, and think I did it all already, at least the parts worth doing.
I also hit farther afield apots like the parthenon, or the NY Met Art. I got two days off after tomorrow. I can't go into Washington DC because my van has locksmith equipment in it (okd Nixon laws).
I don't really know what to do. Go milk a cow in Hershey, Pa?