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new orleans... ever get bourbon faced on shit street?

fun city...go if you ever get the chance
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I have been there a few times. I think, before hurricane Katrina, it was the most distinctive city in the United States.

I loved the food, the music, the architecture, the culture.

Sadly, after the hurricane, a lot of the jazz community moved away. I visited then, and the French quarter was not anywhere near as lively as it once was.

I don't know what it is like nowadays.

But no, I never got rip roaring drunk there!
@DrWatson we were there after katrina. took a tour and went to the 9th district. thev water marks were still on some of the houses...i could only imagine what those people went through.
I took my son down Bourbon Street the night after Xmas and he got an eyeful 😂 His favorite was the man with a chicken on his head.
@SW-User we went to a monday night football game and the patriots were in town. my buddy is a huge pats fan. he had on all his gear. saints fans were brutal towards him....i've never seen him that scared 🤣
@SW-User A good one is the guy that is about 6'4". Full red beard...huge fake boobs and a tiny red mini skirt............oh and knee high white boots. And the nude girl that body pants herself like a leopard. Regulars we see every time we go.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
One of my favorite cities to visit, though I avoid Bourbon Street.
@Harmonium1923 when we didn't want all the hustle and bustle of bourbon street we would go to this irish pub. cant remember the name of it or what street it was on, but i liked it there.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
@beermeplease Was it right next to the cathedral? If so, I've been there, years ago. Great place.
@ineedadrink honestly i don't remember...the only thing i remember for sure was the nicest restrooms were at my hotel and the
calicuz · 56-60, M
I don't drink anymore, but I'll go to a parade. 🙂

DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Not my scene
Pretzel · 61-69, M
no but I've walked down it on a sunday morning - didn't smell good :)
akindheart · 61-69, F
areyou there now> lol. i have been twice but a long time ago.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I would love to go to New Orleans. ☺️
My parents are originally from Nola. I’ve gone to visit family and been to Mardi Gras a few times.

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