Mamapolo2016 · F
A Sunday brunch at a private home in Gottingen, (o mit umlaut) Germany. Pastries and sausages and eggs and cheeses and breads and ... everything. Incredible.
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@Mamapolo2016 sounds heavenly yummmm
HannahSky · F
☕ and 🍺 in 🇮🇪
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mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
HannahSky · F
@mark245pineapple Not in Italy and I don't know if I have anywhere else.
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@HannahSky I see. yeah I don't think I've ever even been exposed to it. Doubt I've seen one
Japanese take on carbonara. (Truly unmatched...searched for recipes everywhere, still wondering if white wine or miso is what's missing.)
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@AnonymouslyYours you have my attention... never heard of this. sounds delicious
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
the sunday hippy brunch at the sacred sushi in Pisac, Peru for the atmosphere. red chicken curry in kanchanaburi , thailand for the taste.
fun4us2b · M
fettucine with white clam sauce in Positano, the pasta was so light and different from anything I've ever had...
Carlisle · F
This dip I can’t remember the name but omg! 🔥
Carlisle · F
Ye it’s sad. Common there though. Another dish my sister swears by on her travels is something called mantu. Think it’s a dumpling 🥟 @mark245pineapple
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@Carlisle yes! I've heard of them one or twice and they look mouth watery as fuuuuuuuck!!! I would probably down 30 of them in a sitting
Carlisle · F
Chocolate roti
Anonymartyr · M
None. Restaurant food is always terrible. I would rather cook for myself and have some quality.
Anonymartyr · M
@mark245pineapple I only knew the recipes by the Ukrainian names which I couldn't come close to spelling. The difference amounts to this: The best any fancy North American restaurant (with a culinary school trained chef) can accomplish is to make a piece of art on your plate that tastes like prepackaged food. ( mainly because a lot of it is.) By contrast, my grandmother would spend two or three days preparing for a feast and even the sour kraut was made from scratch, requiring the cabbage enough time to properly ferment.
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@Anonymartyr It is the beauty of travel. Some of the best food I've ever had were very simple (4-6 ingredient) items that just took time to prepare. humble meals in Colombia and Mexico trashed anything Ive had in professional kitchens.
Anonymartyr · M
@mark245pineapple Good home cooking is by far the best. I remember a Haitian oman once served me something she made with chicken and rice, veggies etc. and some exotic seasoning which was amazing- but again, this is not something that you would find dining out somewhere, you would have to be in some poor families' hovel to learn of it. The very posh Italian restaurant I worked at focused on coastal village recipes, primarily Mediterranean seafood appetizers. This was not a pasta place. Our best recipes there were all home cooking recipes from different coastal areas.
Deepbreath · 46-50, M
mark245pineapple · 31-35, M
@Deepbreath just googled it, that sounds delicious
Deepbreath · 46-50, M
@mark245pineapple It is amazing. I love the Portuguese food
BalmyNites · F
Bratwurst 😍
DrWatson · 70-79, M
The roast suckling pig in Madrid.