OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
I've traveled around (mostly the south) and although the beaches are nice and good radio stations, I would have to go with Florida. So many problems solved if you could just set that state afloat into the Atlantic or Gulf. Texas and California are way too big to really be fairly counted (great, good, bad and ugly all through out both) and Alaska does have that problem of the most disappearances of any other state, but I blame that on bears.
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
@OKWTF2 Florida is God awful
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
There's probably a reason the show Cops is almost always filmed in Florida. 😋
Most red states. Not based on politics. But livability.
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
@MsAnnThropy Exactly. Lower wages, lower standard of living, poor educational systems, worse health care, no unions, highest obesity levels, highest infant mortality levels... The list goes on and on. Give me Minnesota any day

OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User maybe, but they do make Jack Daniels there, so not a total loss.

Nope, throw Kentucky and Arkansas in there.
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User no, too many good bourbons come from Kentucky!
Glassysky · 26-30, M
I would either Detroit or Baltimore
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Glassysky · 26-30, M
@johnsonjohnson3 Nevermind, I am misinformed
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
@Glassysky Lol, it's ok. Simple mistake. And also not a bad topic for future consideration
ExperienceDLT · M
Never been to Alabama or Texas so I can't say but I say you can find some faults with just about any state
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
It's technically not a state, but I vote DC as the worst.
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
@EnigmaticGeek Good one!
kmmkay · 26-30, F
@EnigmaticGeek If we're doing technicalities, Puerto Rico is in the conversation for worst lol
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@kmmkay True, both it and DC resemble failed states, but in different ways.
I'm still astonished that PR sits in hurricane alley, and it apparently has _no_ emergency management coordinator. Contrast that with the emergency management coordinators in TX and FL who brought their A-game to their respective states' Harvey and Irma responses.
I'm still astonished that PR sits in hurricane alley, and it apparently has _no_ emergency management coordinator. Contrast that with the emergency management coordinators in TX and FL who brought their A-game to their respective states' Harvey and Irma responses.
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
We shouldn't forget West Virginia here...
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
Don't forget Mississippi, Louisiana, or Florida
americanmeg · F
Why do you think they are bad?
kmmkay · 26-30, F
@americanmeg rednecks, trailer parks, chewing tobacco, etc.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@kmmkay lol that's an arrogant view you have. So you are saying that Texas and Alabama are like this as a whole? I live in South Texas and I'm not familiar with this at all. That aside i know a few rednecks and people who live in trailer parks to be good people. It's not where you live sweet heart but how you treat people. And I could be wrong but I'm sure people in other states chew tobacco....

indiana tho
Frenchgoddess · 26-30, F
That's Tennessee mix it together
Glassysky · 26-30, M
What factors make these the worst states?
Bastard · 26-30, M
Definitely one of those backwater southern states.
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Malcolm · 61-69, M
I've heard that Ellova is the worst, but then I'm British.
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
@Malcolm what the hell is ellova?
Malcolm · 61-69, M
@johnsonjohnson3 ;-)
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Pennsylvania. Very very boring
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@SW-User It gets old VERY quickly. Trust me on that one.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@kmmkay Amish people are nice. It just feels so damn plain and boring here.
littlepinklotus · 41-45, F
@SW-User I live in Texas and I'm not a gun but.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
If California fell into the sea I wouldn't be disappointed
bijouxbroussard · F
Alabama and Mississippi, just like in the 60s.
Goralski · 56-60, M
F that ...any state that lets ya drive around with an loaded gun is A Ok

What about michigan ?
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
Detroit was a victim of globalization. That city lost literally millions of jobs the last 35 years. Mismanagement? Yes. But systemic incompetence for a hundred years like some of the southern states? No...

@johnsonjohnson3 I dont know about that but i do think its sad to see the state its in now
johnsonjohnson3 · 46-50, M
The other thing about Michigan is it has a large population of survivalist/militia/ crazy gun people/right wing lunitics
Roflcash4 · 26-30, M
I have to agree with your two. Alabama and Texas suck. I'll throw in Illinois though, fuck Chicago haha