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Hey.. I see you..

I see how you struggle. I see how hard it is for you to push through what we call living. I get it. I understand how hard it is sometimes to just stay alive. So I just want you to remember..

There's nothing wrong with being who you are.
You are unique. There is no such thing as normal. You don't need to fit in, you were born to stand out.

I see your scars, both mental and physical. You're not alone. We all have scars. You might be ashamed, but we've all been there. Remember.
Scars tell a story. They are reminders. If life couldn't break you then, then it can't break you now. You are strong. You are a survivor, fighting your own battles. You are enough. And sometimes, we need help through our battles. Never be ashamed to ask for help, we all need it.

Love from a stranger <3

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