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Is this abuse, is this neglect, is this right?

1 Is having yourself beated up for failing right beated up for something you didn't mean to do like accidentally bumping into your own sister and then they beat you up for it is it right?
2 is getting told by your parents that they don't have time for you neglect or when they tell you to figure it out on your even tho your just a 8 year old right
3is all of this right am I in the wrong am I a bad person for helping others is having mercy wrong is it right?
Set your boundaries and stick with them. And must tell yourself the truth. You are not a bad person.
SnailTeeth · 36-40
You're not wrong, but getting people to confess is impossible.
The best you can do is piss them off by raising the issue, and if they ever mature or change, maybe they'll seek forgiveness.
Don't expect the last part, most people are disappointing cowards when it comes to facing themselves.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
Mercy? Be careful with that one.
None of what you experienced is right either.

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