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Serkan · 61-69, M
trackboy · 26-30, M
@Serkan @Serkan it's a lead printer block. the only picture block out of several buckets of lead newspaper type that were being melted down to make bullets. I had gone through the buckets to see if there was anything interesting and found that and saved that. made it my profile picture by accident when uploading it to show someone on here when it froze there and I was unable to move pictures around anymore. I'm guessing it's really rare as it was the only one in several buckets of lead type and most of the lead type has been melted down or sent to the dump over the decades since they were last used. are there any national museums for lead type??? I want to donate it to the museum before I die as it would be thrown out along with the rest of my stuff.
Serkan · 61-69, M
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