Problems are not stop signs; they are guidelines. Inside of every problem, lies an opportunity. Never give up, and never allow the problem to defeat you.
The size of your problem is nothing, compared with your ability to solve it. Don't overestimate your problems, and never underestimate yourself.
Problems are temporary, but they are there for good reason. They are actually there to benefit you and help you. Such is life, the constant changing, the opportunity to learn and grow. The opportunity to mature and gain self esteem, self confidence, and self-love. Contrary to belief, they are there to embrace, to face head-on, so that you can move on in life and have a better quality of life. Further, you will not be able to move on, until you address the current problem. It will surface over and over until you get it right.
You can accept problems, change them, or leave them. If you can't accept a problem, then change it. If you can't change it, then do what you can to your satisfaction, and trust the rest to God.
You can't fix all your problems, but God won't leave you without the strength to face them, nor to face them alone. Just ask.
Sometimes problems open our eyes to the things we've taken for granted, and been neglectful to be thankful for. They also teach us wisdom, patience, and perseverance. All good things to acquire. They also open our eyes to the fact that something is definitely wrong and not working for us in our life, and therefore needs to be changed. Prospective is everything, and suicide is never the right answer. Change your mind and you'll change your life. I've done it many a time and it works. And people who commit suicide do not have the option of changing their mind, once they cross over and their destiny is sealed. Now is the time to get right with God, before our time is up. That's something we don't ever want to leave to chance. It is a choice we can make now, so we'll be well prepared and not miss heaven.